Example sentences of "designed [to-vb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 This form of relief is designed to preserve the benefits of the Barbadian tax incentives .
2 The admissions policy adopted by the school was designed to preserve the character of the school as a Roman Catholic school .
3 Mr. Howell submitted that Parliament having expressly dealt with the case of an admissions policy designed to preserve the character of the school in subsections ( 3 ) ( b ) and ( 6 ) , it was not open to the school ( even though over-subscribed ) to apply such a policy under section 6(3) ( a ) in selecting the applicants who were to be rejected .
4 At first sight there is force in Mr. Howell 's point that it is odd that Parliament should by section 6(3) ( b ) have limited the governors ' ability to apply selection criteria designed to preserve the character of the school in cases which do not fall within section 6(3) ( a ) ( i.e. where the school is not over-subscribed ) but have permitted such criteria to be applied in choosing which applicants are to succeed when the school is over-subscribed .
5 The trachea were cleaned and cut longitudinally along the dorsal surface and a piece placed under microscopic control in a specially constructed Ussing chamber designed to preserve the curvature of the tissue .
6 Once his paintings were finished , Joni applied a treatment designed to replicate the effects of the passage of time : loss of pigment , cracks , scratches .
7 On the other hand , public authorities do not usually commit illegal acts deliberately , and if an atmosphere of opinion were created in which compensation for illegality were seen as being simply compensation for loss and not as carrying any stigma of fault or as being designed to perform the function of deterring illegal conduct , public authorities might be able to put the chance of an award out of their mind in deciding the applicant 's case the second time round .
8 At another level , there are rules that are designed to promote the integrity of the market .
9 Tory propagandists repeatedly alleged that the war policies of the Whigs were designed to promote the interests of the new monied men at the expense of the gentry .
10 This interdiscipliniary course is designed to promote the study of the mass media and to introduce students to practical problems encountered by professionals in the field .
11 On the wider political stage , in the face of continuing opposition to public health , these statements were designed to promote the image of the doctor as a serious and high minded quester after truth :
12 Another example of a quite deliberately imposed implementation problem is the adoption of administrative procedures that are explicitly designed to affect the impact of a policy .
13 Initially , however , such policy was regionally based , designed to affect the growth of regions rather than localities .
14 The most notable example was his energy-saving plan , designed to combat the effects of the massive rise in world oil prices ( CORE , p. 197 ) .
15 The end of the era of stable exchange rates in 1972 coincided with the birth of a whole new class of financial instruments designed to accommodate the uncertainties of the new era .
16 Tours and reception manager Lorraine Keeling added : ‘ The centre is designed to accommodate the needs of all visitors and can cater for large or small groups .
17 And how long was this measure , designed to embrace the principles of 48 pages of white paper and some 68 pages of analysis in two specially-commissioned Price Waterhouse reports ?
18 And how long was this measure , designed to embrace the principles of 48 pages of white paper and some 68 pages of analysis in two specially-commissioned Price Waterhouse reports ?
19 The work of COPPES is but a small indication of the determination and resolve of the women prisoners to demand respect for their human rights , Despite their exceptionally disheartening conditions , they have Protested using all the means at their disposal and have carried out educational and political activities designed to support the work of the FDR-FMLN :
20 ( Nancy Stepan has documented similar shifts in the measurement of skulls designed to support the idea of racial difference . )
21 Hitachi Ltd has a new tool for use in building diagnostic and consulting expert systems : called ES-Pormote2/W-DIAG , it is designed to enable the input of knowledge in a tree structure , and it has been available from the beginning of the month at $6,000 ; it runs on the Hitachi 3050 series of Unix workstations and can be used to generate a source code program for Hitachi 's ES/Kernel series of general purpose expert system development tools ; ES-Promote runs under Hitachi 's implementation of Motif and the X Window system .
22 In Leeson 's case the General Medical Council had disqualified a doctor for infamous misconduct in a prosecution brought by the Medical Defence Union , an organisation designed to uphold the character of doctors and to suppress unauthorised practitioners .
23 The event is also designed to continue the process of follow-up to WACC 's international Congress in the Philippines ( 1989 ) , which called on communicators to ‘ enter into a new phase of dialogue with related organisations and all people of good will to achieve a common understanding of communication in the service of free , just and peaceful communities at the local and international levels . ’
24 However , APACHE II was originally designed to compare the performance of ICUs .
25 The Data Protection Act was not designed to curb the development of automated data systems , but to ensure good practice on the part of users , and to give data subjects the right to interrogate users .
26 The ‘ structuralists ’ argue that the causes of such behaviours lie deep in the social organization of society , and particularly in its class divisions , and that they can only be radically modified by collective actions designed to curb the power of the purveyors of cigarettes and alcohol and to reduce social inequalities .
27 The Soviet and East European participants , however , were obliged in return to give their agreement to the so-called ‘ Basket 3 ’ , which concerned the movement of people and ideas between East and West in areas such as tourism , the reunification of families and access to printed and other media The Final Act also committed its signatories to a series of follow-up meetings , designed to monitor the fulfilment of the agreement ; the first of these was held in Belgrade in 1977 , and the second in Madrid in 1980 .
28 Since 1959 , when the Younghusband Report on Social Workers in the Local Authority Health and Welfare Services appeared , there have been systematic training courses for social workers designed to include the welfare of the disabled in their scope .
29 The wind or Spirit of the Lord is indeed power , but it is morally defined power , designed to communicate the will of God and bring his creation into conformity with it .
30 AST founder Safi Quorshi said ‘ This machine is designed to meet the requirement of companies committed to downsizing by replacing their minicomputers with equivalent computing power based on PC architecture . ’
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