Example sentences of "responsible for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The latter was mainly responsible for a plunge in half-year profits from £84.4m to £70m and analysts have downgraded the full-year figures on the back of it .
2 Although it can be responsible for a variety of illnesses , it is actually essential for health .
3 The Supreme Court in Kinshasa passed sentence on May 16 on eight of those held responsible for a massacre by troops at Lubumbashi University in May 1990 [ see p. 37553 ] .
4 Bass , Britain 's major brewing combine , was responsible for a quarter of all advertising spending and spent £15.14 million on lager compared to £6.67 on beer .
5 Cardio-vascular disease ( responsible for a quarter of all deaths worldwide ) threatened to increase dramatically in Latin America and other South countries , although in the developed world ( where half of all deaths were attributed to heart attacks and strokes ) the trend was generally downward .
6 ( Import restrictions , held responsible for a fall in the country 's external trade deficit , reported on Jan. 15 , were understood to have contributed substantially to the scarcity of industrial raw materials and capital goods . )
7 There is no common form of lease , but usually , quite apart from the flat itself , the lessee is responsible for a proportion of the cost of repair of the common parts , which include such costly items as roofs , staircases , lifts , boilers , foundations , gardens and external decoration .
8 ‘ Our own evidence suggests that a handful of schools are responsible for a majority of exclusions . ’
9 It was typical of Winstanley that he should at once decide to be personally responsible for a lighthouse upon the Eddystone .
10 A managerial agency — any managerial agency , be it psychological or otherwise — can not cope easily with contradictory demands and impulses if it is responsible for a choice of action and must take into account the limitations of the real world .
11 Confining ourselves to Vienna and the last few weeks alone , it seems he may also have been responsible for a couple of recent murders of prostitutes in the Altstadt .
12 If we decided through the first of these two methods , which begins with moral assessment of each individual 's record one by one , that each shareholder was indeed responsible for a share of the loss , then we might well report our conclusion in the language of personification .
13 Any provision under Exception ( d ) to this Section or any Endorsement on this Policy whereby the Policyholder is responsible for a part of any claim under this Section shall not apply to any claim referred to in the preceding paragraph .
14 Acting as Port Agent for P&O Cruises for the first time , Ellerman & Bucknall were responsible for a range of activities all aimed at ensuring a trouble free visit for Canberra in both Durban and Cape Town .
15 ONE of the joys of being responsible for a column like this is that the search for news creates opportunities to become involved in developments which are normally outside the availability of most enthusiasts .
16 On March 9 , 1990 , Fouad Ali Saleh , 31 , a pro-Iranian Moslem fundamentalist accused of organizing a terrorist network responsible for a wave of bombings in Paris between December 1985 and September 1986 in which 13 people were killed , was sentenced to 20 years in prison .
17 Among them is the Cuban outfit Sierra Maestra , who are at the Irish Centre on Saturday , and are responsible for a type of music called ‘ son ’ , described as one of the most crucial dance rhythms of our times .
18 From the 16th century , doctors widely accepted that teething was responsible for a multiplicity of childhood illnesses , including convulsions and death , and recommended a protective measure that babies ' gums should be lacerated ‘ to liberate the death ’ .
19 Gary Givson is again involved , this time with a small team , each responsible for a section of the island .
20 In order to overcome this it is necessary to have a manager for a particular geographic area of the Region who would be responsible for a team of staff dealing with all aspects of Council Tax ( assessment of liability , billing , collection , recovery and enforcement , rebate and discount entitlements and exemptions ) .
21 I am therefore recommending that each Senior Assistant within Council Tax should be responsible for a team of staff dealing with all aspects of Council Tax for a geographic area .
22 So when one producer or studio is responsible for a string of hits , it 's only necessary to find out what distinguishes its operation from that of other , less successful , operations , or what has changed when the same producer or studio hit a bum run , to discover what makes for successful film production .
23 Lead , in the 19th and early-20th centuries , was responsible for a host of occupational disabilities among house painters , plumbers , glaziers , dyers , printers and potters to mention but a few .
24 Warsaw police confirmed on April 24 that arsonists had been responsible for a fire on April 22 at the home of Jerzy Jachowicz , a journalist on Gazeta Wyborcza , in which his wife had been killed and his daughter injured .
25 DETECTIVES from four forces held a cross-border summit meeting in Edinburgh yesterday as they stepped-up the hunt for the lone terrorist responsible for a spate of letter bomb attacks in Scotland and England .
26 In particular the adoption of predatory habits was a new departure for the gastropods , and was in part responsible for a proliferation of the group unmatched in their Palaeozoic history .
27 Although the idea that the environment is responsible for a multitude of human health problems is appealing , the basic concepts of clinical ecology are unproved .
28 The workers , though a minority of the Merseyside institution 's 600 staff , have been responsible for a catalogue of cruelty , it says .
29 The fact is , over the past few months , I have been responsible for a series of small errors in the carrying out of my duties .
30 GIS work in this field ( e.g. Matthews 1989 ) is reviewed later , but we note here the work of the applied geochemistry group at Imperial College ( responsible for a series of atlases on regional geochemistry ) and the existence of a Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health .
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