Example sentences of "responsible for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bran the Blessed — some say he was a Celtic God , some a virtuous king — is really responsible for the legend of the ravens .
2 More fundamentally , it is the high proportion of immigrants in this school which is responsible for the lowering of standards .
3 Mr A. D. Williams of Dundee , Chairman of the Group 's Sub-Committee responsible for the issue of statistics , reported to the meeting that a system had been devised for the collection of statistics from the various Centres .
4 Motorola Inc is reportedly concerned the move will fuel suggestions that the 88000 RISC chip is dead even though it may be at least partially responsible for the short-fall in 88open 's funding .
5 He is responsible for the default of his servant , his wife , his guest or one entering his house with his leave and for his independent contractor .
6 Essentially these latter groups of parishes provided a nucleus and recruitment to the fyrd , the local militia responsible for the defence of the kingdom .
7 The English manner of waging war , that of the chevauchée , the raid carried out largely by mounted soldiers ( who were thus fully mobile ) through the enemy 's countryside , with the intention of pillaging enemy property , destroying crops , and thereby creating an air of insecurity , could not be allowed to continue too long unchallenged , since such an exercise undermined ( as it was intended to do ) the authority of the king of France , who was responsible for the defence of his people .
8 Armed forces : The Netherlands is responsible for the defence of the Netherlands Antilles .
9 Armed forces : the Netherlands is responsible for the defence of the Netherlands Antilles .
10 It was far better that Britain should remain primarily responsible for the defence of the region , and that the two powers should have working understandings where necessary — provided the Americans avoided guilt by association with " colonialism " in the minds of the Arabs .
11 WACC has been responsible for the conceptualisation of training programmes in ‘ alternative journalism ’ and has given the impetus for the implementation of a series of practical workshops .
12 The Author shall be responsible for the preparation of the Work and in particular the Author shall
13 The Authors shall be responsible for the preparation of the Work and in particular the Authors shall
14 Head teachers may find it helpful to consider the format now being commended by some local authorities to the officers responsible for the preparation of the committee reports .
15 While we shall be responsible for the preparation of the memorandum on your behalf , you should appreciate that we will not attempt to verify its factual accuracy .
16 Whilst we shall be responsible for the preparation of the memorandum , you should appreciate that we will not attempt to verify its contents .
17 The party responsible for the preparation of the completion accounts will be the Warrantors .
18 The party responsible for the preparation of the completion accounts will be the Warrantors .
19 As described above the Directors are responsible for the preparation of the accounts .
20 When it came , the eruption was of massive proportions and deposited a great thickness of ash which completely buried the town , and it set off great tidal waves which may have been responsible for the termination of the Minoan civilization by ravaging the coastal towns all around Crete .
21 He also continued his mother 's religious benefactions , and was largely responsible for the splendour of the great Border abbeys at Melrose , Kelso , Jedburgh and Dryburgh .
22 Therefore , HDL may be responsible for the return of cholesterol from the periphery to the liver where mature HDL particles are recognised by hepatocyte receptors , leading to uptake and finally degradation for biliary excretion of cholesterol ( Tall & Small , 1978 ) .
23 This is the physical mechanism responsible for the increase of surface charge density in the presence of a dielectric .
24 All that shows beyond reasonable doubt that eggs were not responsible for the increase in food poisoning , which has gone up 36 per cent this year , despite an overall 24 per cent drop in egg consumption and the 700,000 birds slaughtered .
25 A much more specific fear was that young people would be provoked into imitative crime by the daring exploits witnessed on the screen , and the National Council of Public Morals addressed itself with particular vigour to the belief ‘ that the picture house is responsible for the increase in juvenile crime , and that boys are often led to imitate crimes ( larceny or burglary ) which they have seen in the pictures , or to steal money that they may pay for admission , .
26 In other words , Big Bang was not responsible for the increase in volatility since the crash .
27 Individuals , by the force of their personalities , are held responsible for the breaking of truces : ‘ It was thanks to [ the Pope ] at any rate , that [ the truce ] was broken .
28 What Thucydides means is that the Spartans were immediately responsible for the breaking of the treaty/libations — but that Athenian dynamism was behind it all .
29 Sinan was responsible for the transformation of the Hagia Sophia , the former church of the Emperor Justinian , into Istanbul 's great mosque , but created many other sacred and profane buildings throughout his long life .
30 The actual construction of factories has been delegated to two agencies : the Industrial Estates Corporation , responsible for rural areas that are also assisted areas in terms of regional policy ( such as parts of Scotland , Wales , the North and the South West ) , and COSIRA , responsible for the remainder of the country .
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