Example sentences of "allowed [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is a free country and people are allowed to sound off about the fur trade , about vivisection , about experimenting with live animals .
2 The duty on unleaded was simply allowed to go up by the rate of inflation .
3 The servants were allowed to go out at the discretion of the matron and the house surgeon , and the house was to be locked up at 10 p.m .
4 WE spend thousands of pounds on road safety , yet the DoE are allowed to go out on the roads and lay a spraying of tar then scatter shovels full of loose stones on top of it .
5 The kettle sang quite quickly and meanwhile the stove , never entirely allowed to go out in the winter , had coughed into life .
6 At one extreme , the editors could be given total licence to film anything they liked and to show the House in their own way ( as when covering a football match , or as in some American state legislatures where camera and microphone men are even allowed to wander around on the floor of the House ) .
7 A child who was not allowed to wander off to the park , would certainly not be allowed to fly off to the planets .
8 I do n't think you should be allowed to tinker around with the with things like this say within six months of a general election and that 's why they should have fixed term appointments .
9 Although such legal standards result in pollution concentrations being reduced to an acceptable level in a ‘ polluted ’ area , pollution in a ‘ clean ’ area is allowed to increase up to the standard .
10 Once I am happy , the men are allowed to stand down until the next patrol .
11 All the different interest groups have suddenly been allowed to come out into the open and in some cases it is a question of each for himself and damn the rest . ’
12 Perhaps everything — not that there is anything — should just have been allowed to come out into the open at that point .
13 The statutory requirement should no longer apply to the 250,000 or so companies that are below the VAT registration threshold of £36,600 , and those companies which meet the VAT cash accounting limit requirements ( £300,000 ) should be allowed to opt out of the audit provided there is unanimous agreement among the shareholders .
14 The Council of EC Social Affairs Ministers has agreed concessions under which the UK has been allowed to opt out of the proposed EC Directive which imposes a maximum working week of 48 hours .
15 The issue is whether these men are to be allowed to opt out of the rule of law …
16 Does the alleged damage caused to the turf really warrant this control , as opposed to the pleasure gained by youngsters being allowed to run on to the pitch after the game ?
17 The estate and the businesses in Bradford have been allowed to run down during the last few years , while my father was not well .
18 Ha had things been allowed to run down over the war ?
19 A child who was not allowed to wander off to the park , would certainly not be allowed to fly off to the planets .
20 Obviously , this is too valuable a tradition to be allowed to die out in the century that has seen more restriction of public access to land than any previous period of history , including the Enclosures .
21 Falati was allowed to stay on at the house after the intervention of Mr Mandela .
22 Six of the pupils have been allowed to stay on at the seven and a half thousand pounds a year school .
23 The Israeli government is firmly opposed to getting dragged into any post-Gulf negotiations ; having shown enough restraint to stay out of the war , they will claim the privilege of being allowed to stay out of the peace as well .
24 Sir Henry Cole thought that the answer to the problem was simple : Scott should remodel his proposals on the lines of Inigo Jones ' scheme for Whitehall Palace , and eventually Street asked in The Builder what was to be gained from changing the architect ; a Gothic building was appropriate , and Scott should be allowed to get on with the work .
25 We should be allowed to get on with the training and leave the generation of profit to those with the necessary expertise .
26 The ministries become bogged down in detail when their energies and resources should be concentrated more on overall policy , and the ad hoc commissions grow disillusioned and frustrated because they are not allowed to get on with the job .
27 If allowed to get through to the biological medium , dirt particles could clog it up , and possibly smother the bacterial colony .
28 And I got the book it must have a bus you know ano , another , an extra bus on because he was allowed to get off at the tonight .
29 Sometimes my brothers and I were allowed to get out of the car with him and peek at the movie in progress while he spoke to the manager or cashier .
30 It was only last summer that she was allowed to get back in the swing .
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