Example sentences of "plans for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was dominated by three things ; the Emperor 's desk , a vast filing cabinet , and a large-scale map of Paris — the latter being essential to his plans for the transformation of the city .
2 A local authority scheme which included plans for the abolition of certain grammar schools was altered following a local election at which the party in power changed from Labour to Conservative .
3 The French government has cancelled plans for the building of two of five dams planned for the upper Loire valley .
4 * The Laotian Agriculture Ministry has announced plans for the semi-settlement of a quarter of a million families of shifting cultivators , in an effort to restrict the effects of " slash and burn " farming on the country 's forests .
5 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
6 A. In 1840 a great engineer , Isambard Kingdom Brunel , was making plans for the route of the main railway into South West England .
7 One issue that wo n't be affected by any future plans for the re-organisation of the league is the quest for places in next season 's UEFA Cup .
8 There would be a specific duty on local authorities to make plans for the recycling of waste which must be high on the list of priorities when formulating policy .
9 In 1785 alone , not only did he survey and engrave the series of charts mentioned above , but he also found time to make a series of estate plans for Patrick Kerr of Abbotrule ( which Kerr failed to pay for ) , to survey a line for a canal from the Forth to the Clyde for Robert Whitworth , and to engrave several plans for the court of session in Edinburgh .
10 Those authorities which are classed here as adapting to the care programme approach either spend some of their Mental Illness Specific Grant to satisfy its requirements or present the elements of the approach ( assessment , key working and review ) as an integral part of their plans for the year in question .
11 He seems to have had no interest in the larger plans for the liberty of the Church from lay influence , of which these two matters were only a small instalment .
12 ‘ What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon ? ’ she asked in her best trying-to-be-friendly voice , thinking that if she could pin-point him to some specific part of the house then she could at least do her best to avoid it .
13 ‘ There will be no alterations in the plans for the rest of the Season .
14 Plans for the link between Darlington College of Technology and the Lycee Romain Rolland in Darlington 's twin town of Amiens should be finalised tomorrow .
15 The management at the Hermitage has finished drafting plans for the involvement of UNESCO aid in the reconstruction and development of the museum .
16 JOHN Ritblat 's controversial plans for the break-up of British Land 's £1.8billion of assets have been withdrawn after strong institutional pressure .
17 At Pisa in November 1209 , he came under the influence of the imperial captains and plans for the invasion of Sicily secured the support of two of the principal north Italian cities , Pisa and Milan .
18 Even its controversial plans for the nationalization of major industries came to be accepted as part of a world built upon consensus .
19 Reception ( 6–7.30 pm ) for the announcement of plans for the Faculty of Law to Law alumni and friends .
20 In March 1948 , Croydon Corporation had discussion with London Transport about plans for the widening of the main road at the corner of North End and Crown Hill , so that the tram track could be doubled at this last remaining section of single track on the main line .
21 Chiefs of Staff from the six GCC states held an extraordinary meeting in the Omani capital , Muscat , on Aug. 26-27 , to review preliminary plans for the formation of a joint defence force in the Gulf .
22 The HCS referred on Jan. 20 to plans for the formation of a National Consultative Council ( majlis al-shoura al-watani ) which would work under its auspices in order to allow " the representation of the different trends of thinking and the different components of civil society " .
23 but in the plans for the reorganisation of community affairs there was an exhibitions officer was n't there ? there 's still a need for that is n't there ?
24 Nirex , the UK nuclear industry 's waste disposal company , has announced its plans for the storage of Britain 's nuclear waste in an underground repository near Sellafield in Cumbria .
25 Inconvenience — the trials are liable to require the teacher to distort his plans for the course in order to accommodate the new material when asked .
26 In self-confident mood , Franco pressed ahead with his plans for the Law of Succession .
27 The Greater York study did not designate Skelton as an area for expansion until two thousand and six , and no proposal exists in other plans for the making of an inset into the greenbelt on the basis of the need for expansion .
28 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy if he has any plans for the expansion of the coal industry in Scotland ; and if he will make a statement .
29 A report by Friends of the Earth ( FoE ) has attacked government plans for the expansion of the gas industry over the next five years .
30 The Ministry 's $8 million programme includes plans for the retraining of 450 Sami ( " Lapp " ) herdsman .
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