Example sentences of "plans [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Department has plans to promote a wide range of activities for the community as a whole and to work closely with other bodies in the field to ensure the fullest use of resources .
2 ‘ Sir David English was not informed of the visit and in consequence had no plans to attend the Ideal Home Exhibition that day , ’ the official statement announced .
3 The Cuban decision raised immediate fears in the USA that the 1980 officially sanctioned exodus of 125,000 Cubans [ see pp. 30474-75 ] might be repeated , and there were reports that the US navy was reviewing contingency plans to mount a naval blockade .
4 The ( unnamed ) organization responsible for the conspiracy was said to be directed by a committee of 75 members , and there were also allegations of plans to mount a money-laundering operation .
5 In the 1991 Employee Report , we outlined our plans to penetrate the Middle East market .
6 Tom Shakeshaft , who is 15 , reveals his dismay at plans to drive a dual carriageway right through the beautiful piece of countryside where he lives .
7 A significant portion of the new funds would be used for NASA 's plans to conduct a massive study of the planet Earth , and for Bush 's initiative to send astronauts back to the moon and on to Mars .
8 There are no plans to restore a flying role to squadrons of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force .
9 Plans to restore the original library building in Hamburg include the possibility of exchanging and sharing resources with London .
10 In Brussels yesterday NATO sources said the alliance had completed plans to enforce a no-fly zone over Bosnia , with the United Nations expected to approve the use of allied fighters this week to shoot down Serb or other planes flying over the republic .
11 , English Nature has been strongly criticized by environmental groups for failing to go through with plans to designate a threatened peat bog as a site of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) .
12 This service , available regardless of amount or UK mainland location , completes Chlor-Chemicals ' plans to provide a total business package for solvent users .
13 Mr Howard , or his possible successor as Employment Secretary , could be humiliatingly voted down over plans to impose a 48-hour working week and a workless Sunday .
14 After a curious military episode — he ran away from Cambridge to join the 15th Dragoons — he arrived in Bristol in 1795 full of plans to establish a new system of society , called Pantisocracy ; this word is explained on p. 80 , but what it meant in practice was the rather grandiose idea of founding a new American colony .
15 AN announcement is expected this week on the NewZealand-based company Fortex Group Ltd 's plans to establish a new lamb processing plant in the United Kingdom .
16 Plans to establish a national guard , with specific responsibilities for controlling civil violence and resisting potential coup attempts , were still under consideration by the government , although observers speculated that the proposals were being resisted by members of the military establishment .
17 Further to our meeting earlier this week , I am writing to you to outline how KPMG Peat Marwick ( ‘ KPMG ’ ) may assist you with your plans to establish a significant presence in Europe in [ ] services .
18 In June Saibou announced plans to establish a multiparty democracy which were confirmed after a five-day national strike in November [ see p. 37841 ] .
19 Already , there are plans to establish the first-ever cartoon museum .
20 Although there has been a good response so far to the environmental technology innovation scheme , there are no plans to increase the current allocation of £12 million .
21 Sharon responded by announcing plans to increase the Israeli settler population of the Golan from 11,000 to 20,000 .
22 Mr Smith 's plans to increase the top rate of tax to 50 per cent and abolish the ceiling on National Insurance contributions are increasingly being seen by Labour MPs as a major contribution to the party 's fourth consecutive defeat .
23 Jean-Claude spoke of his plans to reinstate the Guérigny house and stables with the money he would receive for his opera .
24 The agency has plans to launch a second craft in April 1994 , at about the time that the first satellite reaches the end of its operational life .
25 * In a separate development , the government has announced plans to launch a three-year programme to help small- and medium-sized businesses improve their environmental performance .
26 There may , for example , be plans to launch a new pocket or handbag version of one of the company 's torches ; if it is sufficiently different from anything else on the market this could form the basis for an onslaught on the women 's interest press .
27 Yet neither at this stage nor for the next eighteen months did he have any clear plans to launch a full-scale attack on the church or to break with Rome .
28 The Editor , Rev Obed Ochwanyi , said the newsletter is designed to ‘ sustain Christians ’ while the NCCK finalises its plans to launch a national church newspaper , similar to Target which it co-published in the seventies and eighties with the Christian Council of Tanzania .
29 You will have seen how alarmed we are by the plans to meet a vast increase in aggregates demand .
30 You will have seen how alarmed we are by the plans to meet a vast increase in aggregates demand .
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