Example sentences of "fell back on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He fell back on the settee with a thump as the memories of the previous night 's activities came flooding back .
2 The rats fled and Corbett fell back on the ledge , chest heaving , sobbing with anger and fear , his eyes fixed on the grating , praying for dawn .
3 Then she fell back on the turf and stared at the sky until she deemed it time to go home .
4 He laughed longer ; fell back on the bed , chuckling still , and started to snore .
5 Then suddenly she was so exhausted she fell back on the bed and went to sleep .
6 ‘ Dammit to hell , ’ he cursed , letting her go abruptly so that she fell back on the bed in an untidy heap .
7 Then she fell back on the pillows .
8 He dropped the diary into the drawer , closed it and fell back on the pillows .
9 Isabel was so stunned that she nearly fell back on the pillows .
10 If Liz and Owen had n't had that accident , which brought us together to look after the twins , we might never have found each other again ! ’ she cried , feeling almost faint as she fell back on the pillows , hardly able to bear the thought of how narrowly they had averted a lifetime of unhappiness .
11 I was n't memorably arresting or amusing , and I dare say I fell back on the weather like everyone else , but it worked .
12 Giddy , he fell back on the rug .
13 Her arm rose , then fell back on the bedclothes , and she flinched violently .
14 Resisting the idea that results should somehow be ‘ doctored ’ to reflect such circumstances , the Group fell back on the suggestion that LEAs or governors might be expected to issue statements that would put the results of particular schools in the right context .
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