Example sentences of "apart from [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were not yet dry but she had no others apart from her best ones , so she pulled them on over the warm , dry woollen stockings into which she had changed upon coming in from the buildings .
2 Apart from her sore throat was Julie okay ?
3 The girl had something — quite apart from her natural grace and outstanding good looks , quite apart from the lithe , leggy body that was simply made for modelling , there was a quality about her that made her stand out from all the others girls in the class , which drew the eye and held it , so that even someone as cynical as Arlene looked and wanted to go on looking .
4 Apart from her proper feelings as hostess , with Lal 's heroic behaviour on the day before fresh in her mind , Nicandra felt her friend deserved every loving consideration .
5 Apart from her obvious advantages , Zaria also took up less space in bed .
6 Apart from her monthly column for SHE , Val Hennessy is chief book reviewer for the Daily Mail , and writes features for YOU magazine .
7 Apart from her own breathing , the ticking of the bedside clock was the only sound .
8 She lost her home , was apart from her own family and my father , and did not fare very well at all when the time came to divide Aunt Bessie 's property .
9 Apart from her territorial gains , Britain got the right in the Treaty of Utrecht to sell 4,800 slaves a year in Spanish America which , at a normal profit of about £4 a head , might yield £20,000 , and in addition one British ship a year would be allowed to visit Cartagena and trade there .
10 Apart from her scientific achievements , Elena was anxious to be regarded as a woman of taste and refinement .
11 Apart from its strategic position as the seat of Tokugawa government , Edo achieved added importance from the system of alternate attendance ( sankin kotai ) .
12 Apart from its rich cricket history , featuring such giants as Hobbs , Fender , Bedser , Laker and May , the country has the same heraldic colour , chocolate brown , as that of my beloved ‘ Bordah ’ .
13 The character of the Northern Region can not be understood apart from its industrial history and the same holds for the Tyneside conurbation and the two locales which are the subject of this study .
14 Apart from its sheer deliciousness ( most cold lobster sauces , including mayonnaise , are on the heavy side for what is already rich and solid food ) this sauce has other points to recommend it .
15 Quite apart from its technical ingenuity , its wily thematic evolutions and transformations , I love its eccentricity : only Bernstein could have ‘ tuned in ’ to Plato 's timeless dinner party and still had the last laugh .
16 Many doctors specializing in the care of the dying consider that the state of modern medicine makes even the need to consider the notion of euthanasia , whether at the request of the patient or otherwise , as an option quite unnecessary , quite apart from its moral repugnance .
17 The long-term side-effects of the waste are still not known quite apart from its chemical components .
18 The polis , or city-state , was usually a small , self-governing , self-sustaining entity which , apart from its political autonomy , possessed very few of the characteristics of the modern state .
19 Energy and Building Technology has again proved to be the most profitable activity in the division and apart from its traditional clients , namely BRECSU , BRE and Wimpey Homes and Construction , has secured new with the DOE .
20 Grand Met is essentially a pub-owning company , apart from its other interests .
21 Apart from its assonantic association with the heavily symbolic ‘ parrot ’ ( discussed more fully above in reference to Skelton 's Speke , Parot ) , the name also reverberates with nuances from the French language .
22 This did not render the appeal in any way academic because , quite apart from its inherent importance in the context of other cases , J. 's parents share parental responsibility with the local authority and J. 's mother was fully entitled to seek to uphold the order .
23 Although Deems spoke of other planets , Cley 's chamber was perfectly prosaic , apart from its melancholy air .
24 As it is , he had given enough indication of his intention in the work , quite apart from its psalmodic basis , to make it clear .
25 Other divisions of income , apart from its overall size distribution , suggest themselves as relevant for certain issues ; so for example economic growth is associated with changes in shares of income generated in different sectors of the economy ( manufacturing , agriculture , etc. ) ; labour market analysis might suggest the relative fates of different economic groups ( professional versus manual , architects versus roadsweepers , etc. ) ; regional economists , especially in the current context of the EC , by definition have an interest in regional differences in incomes .
26 I look for what each dog is , its own character , its own personality apart from its overall breed ’ .
27 If it proves possible to develop useful modelling links between financial and strategic analyses , DCF will be a device for simplifying and summarizing — quite apart from its theoretical justification .
28 For example , apart from its northern margin along the Mediterranean Sea , the African Plate is surrounded by divergent or transform boundaries .
29 The Ensemble will continue to record regularly with Virgin Classics , and apart from its expanding workload , with an increased commitment to taking chamber and small scale orchestral music to Scotland 's rural areas , will augment this season 's touring schedule in Europe with trips to Finland and Russia .
30 Apart from its direct interpretation , the TSP can also be applied to problems that have nothing to do with towns and salesmen .
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