Example sentences of "shows [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Table II shows the correlation between laminin concentrations and other laboratory .
2 Figure 25.3 shows the principle of operation .
3 This table shows the increase in capacity obtained with greater salt consumption , and economical running generally has to be a compromise between these two factors .
4 Figure 1 shows the timing of elimination of viral parameters and sustained aspartate aminotransferase normalisation in the response group .
5 Illus.4 shows the opening of Act 5 as it appears in both quartos .
6 The arrow below the shaded rectangle representing the ATK locus shows the direction of transcription is toward the centromere , although the 14–6 cDNA is shown 5'3' from left to right ( by convention ) .
7 Most are useful and work well but I am not convinced of the value of a pictogram that shows the direction of airflow in the cabin , nor do I wish to have a reprimand from a stern-sounding lady if I do n't close the door properly .
8 Fig. 4.14(a) shows the variation of magnet flux linked with the two phase windings of a hybrid motor as the rotor position varies over a rotor tooth pitch .
9 Figure 6.36 shows the variation of vapour pressure with temperature for a solvent and solution containing a non-volatile solute .
10 For Montague , that shows the scope for growth on the Continent — and the potential for Tiphook .
11 It shows the School of Art by Charles Rennie MacIntosh at 20p .
12 As Table 2.1 shows the degree of dependence for small firms increases substantially when we recognize that for many of them the bulk of their orders come from a narrow range of just two or three customers .
13 To meter the proceedings a 12 section LED shows the degree of gain reduction , with a further 12 green/amber/red lights showing either the input or output level .
14 Table V shows the percentage of time the oesophageal and gastric tracings indicated identical pressure recordings .
15 It normally shows the percentage of area lying above a certain height ( Fig. 9. 14 ( 1 ) ) and in this case excesses caused by the presence of erosion surfaces will show as slight bulges above the ideal concave regular curve .
16 Well that really shows the kind of lack of respect that the French have had for , after all , what is an accredited masterpiece by a masterly composer .
17 This tale is fiction , but it shows the kind of success story which a twelfth-century Englishman could expect his audience to swallow ; and it is probably significant that he set the story in Italy , the land of merchants and wealth .
18 I have followed it through closely because it shows the kind of diplomacy which , though no comparable evidence survives , has to be assumed for subsequent relations between Charles and his brothers ( and later his nephews ) throughout his reign .
19 That 's a great increase on the 9% another survey quoted barely six months ago , and shows the kind of growth we can expect to see .
20 Table 16–4 shows the composition of government spending and revenue in 1987 .
21 Figure 4.2 shows the composition of pension funds ' portfolios in 1987 .
22 Right axis shows the ratio of dissociation constants for a mutant and wild-type receptor .
23 The Lorenz curve ( based on information on incomes ranked in ascending order of size ) shows the proportion of income held by each percentage or proportion of the population .
24 It 's high standing is shown by its being in the top three universities , along with Oxford and Cambridge , in the national table which shows the proportion of income derived from research grants .
25 The vertical axis shows the proportion of energy transmitted through the Earth 's atmosphere .
26 The vertical axis shows the proportion of energy transmitted through the Earth 's atmosphere .
27 This diagram shows the proportion of time spent on different types of work by these solicitors .
28 Figure 13.9 shows the cross-tabulation of preparedness to break the law by alienation by experience of unemployment .
29 Fig 14.5 shows the type of information objects used by the Departments and the main issues regarding information handling and communication .
30 Figure 7.1 shows the type of stationery that can be used .
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