Example sentences of "less than a [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 Again the short answer is simple , but this time the other way about : because the wages paid to a " compess " , while less than a man 's , were high compared to the wages a girl could earn elsewhere .
2 The ‘ synod ’ or , in Latin , ‘ council ’ ( the modern distinction making a synod something less than a council was unknown in antiquity ) became an indispensable way of keeping a common mind , and helped to keep maverick individuals from centrifugal tendencies .
3 Less than a year was to pass before the European Parliament debated a motion recommending the recognition of sign languages of member states .
4 Less than a quarter were in favour of the government having the power to expropriate land , which offers little support to the opposition to the landed elite thesis ( Johnson 1972 ) .
5 Less than a quarter were given an abdominal , rectal , or vaginal examination — more of these being younger women .
6 The full draft standards across all the technical working groups within sport and recreation run to over 500 pages , and less than a month was given for response , including the Christmas and New Year period .
7 Guests were informed that Accounts would be rendered weekly and ‘ Visitors for less than a week are charged 1 shilling per day extra ’ and that the Swimming Pool opened ‘ Daily at hours which can be ascertained from the office . ’
8 The identities of chemical units that normally exist for less than a microsecond are important clues to how reactions take place .
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