Example sentences of "less than [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Note that even without the exact position of the original markers being known , the line from Bishops Cannings church through the WKLB and the centres varies by less than of a degree .
2 Four years after their meeting he published an account of Venetian painters of the Renaissance , where he acknowledged ‘ his indebtedness to the first systematic writers on Italian painting no less than to the perfectors of the new critical method , now adopted by nearly all serious students of Italian art ’ .
3 Again most of these stars are red , with spectral types of M , R , N or S. Their amplitudes are less than for the Mira stars , and usually amount to little more than a magnitude .
4 The setting-up costs of a PEP are far less than for an endowment policy , so , investment conditions permitting , early encashment should not prove penal .
5 Programming time is usually less than for an optimization technique but designer time is frequently greater .
6 The total number attending was only nine less than on the question of membership of the European Community seventeen years earlier , and forty more than had voted on the Government of Ireland bill in 1893 .
7 An indicator is the abundance of the rare isotope of hydrogen , deuterium D , compared to the common isotope 1 H. D is twice the mass of 1 H and therefore 1 H will normally escape faster , enhancing D/ 1 H. The D/ 1 H ratio in the Cytherean atmosphere today is about 100 times that on the Earth , indicating more 1 H on Venus in the past , though still a good deal less than on the Earth .
8 He was still limping slightly , but much less than at the beginning of the week .
9 The officer 's undress headgear was a dark blue visored forage cap of ‘ pill-box ’ shape : ‘ … the diameter at the top slightly less than at the base , the height 3¼ inches all round ; …
10 In particular , since oscillation is avoided if the phase shift is less than at the frequency at which falls to unity , it follows that a negative-feedback amplifier involving just first-order networks is stable if the slope of the plot of versus is less than 12dB per octave as the condition is approached .
11 The net tangible assets of the Business are at the date of this Agreement and will pending Completion be no less than at the Balance Sheet Date and the profits of the Business from the Balance Sheet Date to the date of this Agreement and pending Completion are and will be proportionately no less than the profits for the previous financial year .
12 Figures from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys show that the number of voters is significantly less than at the time of the 1987 election , even though the adult population has grown .
13 The congress was attended by over 600 delegates representing some 80,000 party members , approximately 20,000 less than at the time of the 20th congress held in February 1991 [ see pp. 38008-09 ] .
14 Even less than with the designation of the polytechnics was the CNAA in the 1970s confronting a policy-driven situation .
15 So whereas the policy committee were allowing us three point five million grant maximum , on top of the er base budget , now course that 's reduced because with cash limited to the total on to the base plus , so getting a lot less than with the group so they might say increase to about two and a half million rather than the figure we had earlier .
16 Similarly , there was an average swing to the Tories in those boroughs where poll tax demands were below government estimates or where household bills were likely to be less than under the rates .
17 In the community tank where the decor consists of numerous caves made from rockwork , with a good depth of gravel to act as a filter medium , and where the fish tend to dig less than in a tank especially set up for breeding , then undergravel filtration will be adequate once the biological action in the gravel has become firmly established .
18 If you want to experiment at home , it 'll cost you far less than in a salon but you should get a friend to help put the rollers in to get perfectly even curls .
19 No less than in the case of arts policy , the relation between English and public policy is a matter of cultural politics .
20 no less than in the Infants the time before ,
21 But , in 1984 , by the end of the relocation programme , house prices in the Corby area were still 15 per cent less than in the South East .
22 It is certainly the case that crime rates in socialist countries are far less than in the USA and other capitalist societies .
24 But as Nicholas Bosanquet ( 1975 , 1978 ) points out this is partly because younger people are now dependent , ill and hospitalized much less than in the past .
25 Having just returned from this delightful island where the people are so friendly and courteous and where the cost of living is much less than in the UK , I thought the following information could be helpful .
26 The advantage of buying in a local store in Europe is that although you have to pay local duty , it is likely to be much less than in the UK .
27 Housing officers , too , will provide important links between some parts of a local community and its schools but notably less than in the period before the privatization of subsidized housing .
28 Some cross-party voting could be expected , though less than in the Republic , the differentiation of our political parties being much clearer .
29 ‘ We must be sure that they are alive to the evidence here , no less than in the East , that socialism does not work . ’
30 This was significantly less than in the alcohol group ( p<0.001 ) .
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