Example sentences of "less [conj] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You are never stuck with less than up to date equipment .
2 Grain went from Rumania to Danzig by sea , all the way round Europe , and still cost 30 per cent less than overland by rail .
3 In any event , however , the number of branches says less and less about capacity in banking .
4 His remark to Berthe Morisot in 1889 — ‘ I go less and less to paris , where the only thing people talk about is politics ’ — supports this view .
5 In The Silmarillion we learn that water is the province of the Vala Ulmo , and that from it ( sea or river ) there often comes assistance ; the incident with Sam and Frodo begins to seem less and less like chance , more and more of a ‘ sending ’ .
6 But the state 's shabby and dangerous schools look less and less like breeding grounds for the biotechnologists and virtual-reality scriptwriters of the future .
7 Like other reform-minded Communists in Warsaw , he finds he has less and less in common with the Party 's local base .
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