Example sentences of "useful for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases the model is a device which reduces the complexity of what is represented , by selectively reproducing only those details which are deemed significant or useful for the purpose at hand .
2 This makes Hayek 's work particularly useful for the purpose of laying bare the ideological foundations of the normativist style .
3 Age may be classified according to any set of categories deemed useful for the purpose in hand .
4 Some of the information in other chapters on nutrition , health , financial problems , and coping with stress may be useful for the daughter at home , but if you are such a daughter there is something else you need too — a healthy determination to protect your own right to a reasonable way of life , while striving to improve that of your parent .
5 Additional areas of flat drained working surfaces are always useful for the dumping of dirty , and the temporary storage of clean , items .
6 We have great hope that your Majesty who always has at heart anything that can be useful for the peace of the world , will use her personal influence , as well as that of Prince Albert whose influence is so great in Germany , in order to achieve this end .
7 They should not be used in any quantity as they can cause stomach upsets , but are extremely useful for the presentation of nouvelle cuisine dishes .
8 The practical value of the study lies in its aim to contribute to the development of a tourist/visitor industry using local resources in an area of economic and social need and to the provision of information useful for the assessment of the alternative ways in which the tourist industry might be developed and jobs generated .
9 This suggests that the determination of the serum concentration of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one may be useful for the assessment of bile acid malabsorption in such patients .
10 It is useful for the therapist to be aware of who their allies are , those who can act as a positive role model , and which members are going to be resistant .
11 In this example , the marketing research data might be useful for the management of the individual subsidiaries in Mexico , Canada , Spain and France , but management at Milwaukee Way 's headquarters would not be able to extract data for global marketing information and inter-country comparisons .
12 It has proved particularly useful for the management of high risk patients such as the medically unfit , frail and elderly in whom cholecystectomy is associated with mortality rates of 10% , or higher when carried out for acute complications .
13 ( g ) The notes are also useful for the preparation of any report on title that may be required for your client 's bank , building society or other mortgagee , the form of which sometimes requires you to state the last purchase price , etc. ( h ) Your notes on title will help you deal with any possible requisitions by the Land Registry and will also indicate at a glance deeds containing restrictive covenants , easements or plans , which should be retained after registration as giving fuller information and exact wording on matters of possible dispute .
14 These can be useful for the company as the money that would have gone into the pension fund can be used to boost profitability ( particularly useful during a takeover bid ) , or for the financing of projects .
15 The graph paper is useful for the teaching of electrocardiograms .
16 These are particularly useful for the scheduling of relatively straight-forward , routine projects .
17 The researchers believe that supramolecular structures such as micelles will prove particularly useful for the study of autopoietic phenomena because they allow extensive variation in structural organisation and can thus have a higher degree of functional complexity , for example being able to act as hosts to guest molecules , such as enzymes .
18 None of these lists , however , is wholly useful for the study of urban deaf populations , as all three have been designed for anthropological study of one sort or another , and include words such as spear and dung .
19 As XPS is useful for the study of surfaces it can give a good deal of information about species adsorbed on catalysts .
20 This method should be useful for the study of the biological properties of gall bladder mucosal cells both in experimental animals and in humans .
21 It 's marvellous that the Brighton Corporation came in , but nevertheless the building to perform a function which is going to be useful for the community as a whole has got to be properly funded .
22 Like exponents of the argument from design in earlier generations , Paley had to confront the fact that some species possessed structures that were useful for the killing of prey .
23 These year-by-year figures are thus not so useful for the analysis of large-scale trends as are the time-band figures in Table 3 previously discussed , but they do highlight the small-scale fluctuations in numbers of successful students in the subject field within individual departments in single years .
24 Late in 1970 the substantial remains of Lancaster I EE173 of 207 Squadron were discovered in Lake Krumme in the suburbs of West Berlin and after the German authorities salvaged the aircraft , the RAF Museum were offered the opportunity to keep such items as might be useful for the restoration of R5868 .
25 I am sure that the revenue from such a lottery could , for example , be useful for the repair of existing theatres and in helping to commission new arts buildings in the years ahead .
26 In 1743 , in consultation with the governor , he decided that an attempt should be made not to fortify the watersheds of all rivers leading to the Arctic — a mammoth task indeed — but to defend all the lands necessary and useful for the Province of Siberia , provided that care was taken not to include territories so important to the natives that a pretext would be given for an uprising .
27 Other registers and sources , such as departmental file cards and reports , can be used to enhance a basic level of data so that it truly constitutes information and , as such , is useful for the production of books , catalogues and as a research tool .
28 Apart from the use of SI units , the new form and notation is compatible with current usage in general relativity , and familiarity with the material in the book would be extremely useful for the student of gravitational physics .
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