Example sentences of "extent to [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We need to understand the extent to which oppositional practices have , wittingly or unwittingly , shared the assumptions of the dominant state-led strategies that have also attempted to respond to the black presence in British education and society .
2 In London , figures collected by the London Research Centre with the help of the London boroughs revealed not only the rapid decay of inner city housing as suggested by the national survey , but also the extent to which chronic disrepair is now prevalent even in suburban areas .
3 In this chapter we have looked at the extent to which chronic sickness rates as reported on the GHS are predictable from death rates .
4 It will 1 ) examine more fully the extent to which primary schools vary in their effects on a variety of pupils ' educational outcomes , including progress in reading and maths ; 2 ) establish whether the composition of pupil intakes is related to effectiveness ; 3 ) find out whether school vary in their effectiveness from year to year and whether their effects on pupils persist into secondary school .
5 Students of government have , moreover , raised questions about the extent to which civil servants will fight effectively for their minister against the Treasury , in view of the prestige and power of the latter within the civil service as a whole .
6 These theoretical analyses , computer tournaments , and laboratory experiments continue , with the answers depending on the extent to which future pay-offs are discounted , on the ensemble of strategies present in the group of players , on the degree to which strategies are deterministic or error-prone ( for example , imperfect memories of opponents or of past events ) , and so on .
7 The decision of whether to prescribe an antidepressant should be made on the basis of whether the patient shows ‘ biological ’ features of depression which predict a good response ( e.g. early morning wakening , diurnal mood variation , and weight loss due to impaired appetite ) ; whether , in the case of severe depression , one can afford to wait for the delayed response of an antidepressant ; and the extent to which environmental factors seem largely to explain the symptoms .
8 We do have information on the extent to which net conversions have been provided over the past well during the eighty one ninety
9 an analysis of the relationship between inputs ( funding , manpower ) and outputs ( eg publications , citations ) and of the determinants of research performance ; in particular , the research will examine the extent to which successful performance depends on the resources available as opposed to other factors ( for example , institutional environment , organizational structure , etc ) , and how these various factors interact ;
10 The investigation considers the extent to which new patterns of access to the market have boosted residential development and examines whether initiatives such as co-ownership have widened access to the market .
11 The extent to which new finds will eventually ease Canada 's problem will of course be dependent not only on the nature of the finds but on the level of demand .
12 Much will depend on the speed with which the practical aspects can be carried through and the extent to which new members can be attracted from the building societies .
13 The particular relationship between the state and the family embodied in the system of public welfare gives rise to considerable concern over the extent to which such provisions boost or erode family autonomy .
14 It will also explore the extent to which such changes are related to population and employment change and improvements to transport infrastructure .
15 To establish the degree to which bilateral or multilateral space cooperation already occurs , and the extent to which such linkages are expected to increase .
16 It is their anti-social influence in that deep sense which is at issue , and which can be measured only by the extent to which such works encourage conduct which threatens the rights and freedoms of others to enjoy a peaceful and secure life under the law .
17 The role of the mass media in introducing new scientific concepts and claims into the public sphere is important , both in terms of the extent to which such concepts become part of a wider public vocabulary , and perhaps more significantly , in terms of the way in which the ‘ popularisation ’ of scientific concepts contributes to the development of new areas for social and political concern and action .
18 These requirements represent an attempt mainly by social and psychological researchers to formalise the conditions for measurement in the social sciences , and one that has been remarkably successful judging by the extent to which such scale types are taken as the standard fare for methods training .
19 There 's a much greater sense here of tolerating plurality and diversity than there was in the English departments , although obviously there is conflict amongst staff about the extent to which such plurality can be tolerated .
20 The extent to which such improvements are made in practical agriculture will depend on a complex of other factors .
21 For to that great extent to which such rationality is a matter of seeking for logical consistency , and for some more general coherence in the total spread of one 's opinions , it can have full play in ethical thought , conceived along attitudinist lines .
22 That there are severe limits to the extent to which such sympathy is to be extended need not be doubted given the Report 's general refusal to positively evaluate any culture seen as untouched by literature .
23 The research will investigate the extent to which such claims are true , and what actually changes when management takes over .
24 The extent to which such rights might justifiably embrace ideas unrelated to government or public affairs , ideas of no value at all , or cloaked in images of a sexual or violent nature , has long exercised the finest minds not only in American jurisprudence , but in Europe and the Commonwealth as well .
25 Nor need the courts assess the extent to which such harms are measurable against any standard of consequential morality .
26 For the origins and development of the Royal Society of London , far from demonstrating the objectivity and truth of scientific inquiry , is a classic example of the extent to which such inquiry is contingent on social pressures , political interests and the nature of the institutions in which it is conducted ( cf.
27 Klaus announced on March 23 that a government office for privatization of state-owned enterprises would be set up ; it was reported , however , that there were differences within the Cabinet over the extent to which such enterprises should be privatized .
28 To examine the extent to which such clauses are effective to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty , it is necessary to consider both restrictions imposed because of the fiduciary nature of the relationship and the common law and statutory restrictions which apply to all exclusion clauses .
29 A controversial issue was the future ownership of the assets of the PUWP ; a parliamentary commission had been set up shortly before the conference to investigate the extent to which such assets , valued by the party at some US$70,000,000 , should be forfeited as illegally acquired from the state .
30 However , we believe there are limitations in the extent to which such impacts can be assigned strict quantitative values .
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