Example sentences of "looks [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She sincerely believes that her grandmother looks after her in the spirit world .
2 The inquirer does not believe current scientific results , but simply looks upon them as the current stage on the route to a final description of reality .
3 It looks to me on the plan ,
4 At the exalted level of Olympic competition that might be true , although I find it hard to attribute the concept of ‘ needing ’ to Carl Lewis , who , and no doubt I am being unfair , always looks to me like the lead actor in a Disney film entitled The Fastest Kid on Earth .
5 He drinks from his can and looks at me over the top of it .
6 He looks at me through the mirror and nods slightly , which I take to mean he 'd like my help .
7 He looks at me for the first time .
8 In any case , it 's weird that whenever I say that to Keith , he looks at me with the unmistakably quizzical air of the tall thin intellectual he is , his hair on the blond side of chestnut ( now heavily greying ) ; his fair skin with his rosy cheeks reminding one of Victorian youths with perfect complexions ( or so the novels of Wilkie Collins and the paintings of the Pre-Raphaelites would have us believe ) ; his eyebrows bushy and deliberately unkempt ; his classic tweed suit of the old school , worn with a shamefully Byronic air somewhere between hippy and academic ; his accent public school , as befits his education , although he also speaks a passable Spanish , so we can keep switching languages whenever linguistic difficulties develop .
9 However , the individualistic approach of modern Darwinism which looks at it from the point of view of the reproductive success of individual genes , is n't like the older group selectionistic thinking was , prejudiced in favour of any group .
10 She smoothes the dress out against her front and looks at it in the mirror .
11 ‘ It 's got to the point where he looks at you in the morning as if he 's wondering where we are going to send him next .
12 Somebody looks at you in the wrong way some morning , you know , what 's the matter with you , that type of thing you know .
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