Example sentences of "sat at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She went into the kitchen and tidied up , and then sat at the front window , watching people pass , hunched in her own disillusionment .
2 When I fink of all that time 'e jus ' sat at the front door wiv 'is 'ead in 'is 'ands , I shudder .
3 The only sounds in the room were the scratching of his pen-nib as he made each entry , and the chink of coins as he counted them out of the cash box — and the heavy breathing of Marcus Judge , who sat at the other side of the desk , his eyes fixed upon his son .
4 And it sat at the other side of the gate
5 Mrs Rae sat at the other side of the fireplace and Madge watched her small eyes dart about in silent appraisal .
6 The Doctor sat at the other side of the cell , sulking .
7 Cicely Hepwood sat at the other side of the table next to her husband , with Travis seated next to his mother .
8 They passed from her to Louis , who sat at the other end of the sofa reading Le Figaro .
9 I sat at one end of the table and Wallis sat at the other end .
10 Ashley sat at the other end of the sofa , well away from him .
11 About a week later , the family sat at the small table eating dinner .
12 Jack 's mother Lilly sat at the far end of the table opposite her husband .
13 They sat at the far end of the carriage , talking in hushed tones .
14 The Gnomes sat at the far table , eating and drinking happily , whiling away an amiable half hour by telling anyone who would listen the entire history of the Crown Jewels and the history of the Gallan forges .
15 Below , the prisoners sat at the far side of a rank of yellow-decked tables , with their little visitors — women , kids , the old — ranged opposite on kitchen chairs .
16 And then we sat at the far side of the Old Gate bridge and er an old lady came along and said , and she was counting them but she said , just look at that thing , she counted seven although , in actual fact , by then th these dra the seven drakes had stopped cha chasing the duck and they were all sitting down .
17 On the first-floor terrace they sat at the round table while Roman did the honours with gin and tonics .
18 The Non-Proliferation Treaty , however , was the last occasion when the British sat at the top table to discuss nuclear questions with the superpowers .
19 Modigliani , of course , spotted her at once and came and sat at the next table .
20 The doctor sat at the open window of the hut , from which position , without ever moving , he examined the passengers .
21 I sat at the open window and looked out on to the purple dark .
22 Then she sat at the roll-top desk with the magazine in front of her , took a deep breath and lifted the receiver off its hook .
23 Emily sat at the scrubbed table and the startled look on Letty 's face made her smile ruefully .
24 In the kitchen Mrs Blakey comforted her and Mr Blakey sat at the scrubbed table stirring sugar into a cup of tea .
25 The shepherd poured some wine from a tattered straw flask into four greasy tumblers and the men sat at the oil-cloth-covered table .
26 George sat at the white Formica table and smiled .
27 He and Bowyer sat at the high table , the Santerres and ourselves were treated as onlookers .
28 Sylvie , the cook , sat at the big kitchen table by the window , writing a list and shooing pigeons away .
29 Then she sat at the big table with only a pot of tea for herself while Frankie and his father cleared their plates in silence .
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