Example sentences of "sat at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her Royal Highness sat at a round table with the Duke and Duchess of Westminster , Viscount and Viscountess Astor , Mr and Mrs Ian Bruce he is the Director General of the RNIB ; $insert names$ and his sister Lady Aird who has been one of Princess Margaret 's ladies-in-waiting for thirty years , and was in attendance this evening .
2 Queen Elizabeth sat at a round table with the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress , near the Lord Mayor 's canopy .
3 They sat at a low bench hard against the wall .
4 Torpedo-shaped glass lifts offered noiseless access to the different levels , on one of which a pianist sat at a grand piano playing classical music while an enormous golden pendulum suspended from the roof swung slowly from one side of the atrium to the other .
5 Robert sat at a vacant space and put his head in his hands .
6 A Sergeant with a crudely reconstructed pink blob of a nose — obviously bitten off at some stage in his professional or previous career — sat at a damascened bronze data-desk stained green with cupreous patina .
7 I followed the Sergeant out to the office ; we both sat at a small table , and after a very enjoyable supper of cheese rolls we played the chanters until 1 a.m. , pausing from time to time to drink a mug of tea .
8 They sat at a small table by the window .
9 An MP sat at a small table beside it .
10 ‘ But I think it is a pointless exercise , ’ said Floy , somewhere towards morning , a thin , cold light filtering in through the windows to where he sat at a great desk , his black hair tumbled , hollows in his cheeks , his face white with fatigue .
11 The curtains were drawn and Sean Riley sat at a crowded desk doing his accounts .
12 He sat at a makeshift desk of unfinished lumber , and wrote and played with his thinning hair .
13 Her butterfly cap sat at a saucy angle on her black hair .
14 They sat at a rickety table on the perimeter of the square , under the shade of an umbrella , sipping espresso , eating anisette biscuits , and watching the large , colourful crowd .
15 He sat at a large desk covered with papers , journals , medical books , a portable typewriter pushed to one end .
16 Two younger men , serfs by their garb , and most likely travelling with the merchant for his protection , sat at a nearby table nursing ale-cups .
17 The bartender , squat and ugly with one white eye , wore an apron and soiled shirt and sat at a high stool reading a newspaper .
18 Miss Hazelwood sat at a high centre desk , seemingly reading a book .
19 We sat at a special table and just told jokes about the Russians , the Americans , and ourselves . ’
20 The banker sat at an enormous desk surrounded by acres of carpet , in a room hung with what looked like Dutch Old Masters , though I suppose they may have been reproductions .
21 ‘ Come and have a drink , ’ said Cormack , and they moved into the bar and sat at the fixed tables and watched the glasses slide from rim to rim .
22 She went into the kitchen and tidied up , and then sat at the front window , watching people pass , hunched in her own disillusionment .
23 When I fink of all that time 'e jus ' sat at the front door wiv 'is 'ead in 'is 'ands , I shudder .
24 The only sounds in the room were the scratching of his pen-nib as he made each entry , and the chink of coins as he counted them out of the cash box — and the heavy breathing of Marcus Judge , who sat at the other side of the desk , his eyes fixed upon his son .
25 And it sat at the other side of the gate
26 Mrs Rae sat at the other side of the fireplace and Madge watched her small eyes dart about in silent appraisal .
27 The Doctor sat at the other side of the cell , sulking .
28 Cicely Hepwood sat at the other side of the table next to her husband , with Travis seated next to his mother .
29 They passed from her to Louis , who sat at the other end of the sofa reading Le Figaro .
30 I sat at one end of the table and Wallis sat at the other end .
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