Example sentences of "sat in a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Soon , however , she did not have enough time to do this although someone had to relieve the poor beast , and the fresh creamy milk often sat in a gleaming churn in the corner of the kitchen untouched until it went rancid and had to be thrown away .
2 Fred was delighted and led her up to his bedroom where a truly magnificent blue and yellow parrot sat in a tall cage .
3 He sat in a rocking chair that faced the door .
4 At 2pm on Wednesday 12 February , John Hutt sat in a dry ditch within easy view of the small Touchen End baker 's shop .
5 Two days later , she sat in a small bar , which was the latest haunt of the upwardly-mobile in Washington DC .
6 He crossed the corridor in two strides and sat in a small room that was used for counselling or small case conferences , leaving the door open and flipping impatiently through the file .
7 A man sat in a low leather bucket seat and watched a TV screen .
8 The audience sat in a warm honey glow , drinking tea and eating richly iced cake .
9 Mrs Watts sat in a deep chair in a dark corner of the room but Hari had the impression that the woman was like a cat sleeping with one eye open , watching everything that went on .
10 Archer sat in a hard-backed chair , very erect .
11 While Drago and Apanage went into the small kitchen next to Drago 's workroom to prepare a meal , Cleo and Dauntless sat in a cosy parlour where a log fire warmed the stones of an enormous chimney breast .
12 Billy sat in a far corner of the little pub with Chopper Harris , Frankie Albright and Freddie the Nark , and Freddie was trying hard to sound convincing as he put his plan over to his friends .
13 He tasted the delicate fennel-flavoured soup which sat in a shallow bowl in front of him .
14 All day Coleman sat in a hot studio staring at one picture and maintaining hours of nonstop commentary to out-Dimbleby the best of them .
15 Alan Millet sat in a front room filled with books of modern English history and photographs of small boys lined in the formations of the posed soccer team .
16 They sat in a dark room , the only light coming from a candle burning in the passage outside .
17 Raoul and Christine sat in a dark corner , and Raoul took Christine 's hands .
18 One of the things that some chaps found amusing when they went to the " heads " ( the head is what the Navy calls the loo ) , you sat in a long row and a great flush of water ran right through a row of 20 or 30 .
19 So with all this in mind , as I sat in a long queue of airmen for the preliminary examination , I was thankful .
20 I sat in a thirteenth-century hall in Bruges in September 1988 and listened to Mrs Thatcher 's speech on the future of Europe .
21 Franklin D. Hauser sat in a large Regency chair , wearing evening dress , in the large living room at the front of the house .
22 Bonanza sat in a huge oak chair .
23 The royal favourite sat in a quilted window seat whilst young Edward lounged in a chair near him .
24 So to while away the time while they waited for dark again they sat in a back room and fiished the waistcoat .
25 Last Sunday I sat in a cold room with my daughter , the two of us reviling the malign fate which had robbed us of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea , our weekly TV fix .
26 We sat in a gothic cafeteria .
27 Edward paid the taxi driver in advance and all the way home she sat in a happy daze .
28 Someone sat in a little cubby-hole of an office , and there received money conveyed by means of a complicated system of overhead wires .
29 We sat in a high vestibule between the street and the courtyard .
30 Gandalf says as much at II , 99 , though he is laconic about it — ‘ I sat in a high place ( the great tree in Lothlórien ? ] , and I strove with the Dark Tower ’ — since Aragorn and the others he is addressing can have no idea what is being referred to .
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