Example sentences of "sat up [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Brown sat up off the sofa .
2 Rachel sat up as the announcement crackled over the tannoy .
3 No-one could be spared to get fresh cots , so these men from farthest Arran and the Rhondda Valley sat up for the rest of the night with a brown baby under each arm .
4 He let his hand wander a little , and got it petulantly pushed away as she heaved herself out of the clutches of the chesterfield 's upholstery , and sat up on the edge of it .
5 The fall seemed to bring Liam to his senses and he sat up on the road wondering where he was .
6 Bob sat up on the bed and gazed at her in astonishment .
7 He sat up on the bed , and she saw him wince .
8 He sat up on the bed , turning away from her , running a hand through his hair .
9 Hector , aware of the change , sat up on the bed , following the direction of his mistress 's altering gaze with his head cocking , in an air of puzzlement , from side to side .
10 She blinked at Shiona and half sat up on the bed .
11 He sat up on the bench and pulled on the robe .
12 After a while , wishing to support the undertaking , Finch sat up on the side of his bed and played something buoyant on his cello .
13 He sat up on the chair by the fire .
14 And the princess herself sat up at the window of the tower , watching .
15 They sat up at the front : Uncle Harry at one end ( when he was n't away at sea ) and Aunt Ann at the other , with her cousins Tristram , Jill , Nathan and Matthew in between .
16 I sat up at the counter and ordered Scotch on the rocks .
17 The tattooed man sat up in the middle of the lesson , his blankets draped like a toga and barely concealing ‘ Jane ’ and ‘ King Kong ’ on his chest .
18 All-night parties , Nina dancing in the nude , Modi stumbling into the sketching class very drunk , the weekly visits to the Gaieté Montparnasse , a small , bawdy music-hall where they sat up in the gallery , all paint a happy-go-lucky picture .
19 She sat up in the bed and pulled the covers up to her armpits in an attempt to recoup a little of her dignity .
20 She sat up in the bed , dumbstruck , her face aglow as if lit from the inside .
21 She quickly sat up in the bed , the blanket wrapped round her .
22 And then Grainne sat up in the bed , and thought : in my position now , what would Dierdriu have done ?
23 Also urgent , as he served her tea and she sat up in the bed , exposing her small breasts without a thought .
24 Michael sat up in the chair , stunned .
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