Example sentences of "sat [adv] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The two pilots sat side-by-side in an enclosed cockpit , with a gangway between the seats and full dual control provided .
2 Two pilots sat side-by-side in an open cockpit , aft of which was a single cockpit for the navigator , who was also provided with an interior cabin as were the wireless-operator and flight engineer .
3 She sat humbly in the cold church , making some effort to get into the right mood for the service .
4 I sat unhappily in the empty church with two lines of thought .
5 ‘ He 's a very able sorcerer , ’ said Fribble , as they sat together in the banqueting hall .
6 He sat down in a vacant chair and at once the younger cadet hurried to serve him with tea from a spotless samovar .
7 After a while I sat down in a secret place by the Cherwell and fell to musing about how I had once myself aspired to Oxford , how one of my lecturers at Edinburgh had urged me to go on to read for a B.Litt. there , but of course the war had put an end to any such ambitions .
8 Alice sat down in a big chair at one end .
9 Taking a deep breath , he walked slowly across the room and sat down in the easy chair directly facing his mother .
10 So I sat down in the warm , and ate the man 's breakfast .
11 I sat down in the long grass , puzzled to understand my weakness .
12 She sat down in the one comfortable chair ; it had come from their housekeeper 's room , and had found its way to Billy 's kitchen , like the strip of Turkey carpet with the hole in the middle .
13 I closed the door and sat down in the one chair this side of his desk .
14 Roger sat down in the high-backed armchair opposite her and smiled at her .
15 Then they sat down in the great dining hall to drink .
16 Then he sat down in the great oak chair by the fire and enjoyed his tea .
17 Christina sat down in the small desk chair , her legs unsteady .
18 A shaken Charles followed the line of the bullet and sat down in the nearest chair .
19 He put the machine on the round table in front of the sofa , plugged it into a socket and sat down in the nearest armchair .
20 So he made a cup of coffee ( realising , sensibly for once , that he 'd had enough alcohol ) , and sat down in the low upholstered chair with wooden arms that was one of the room 's few comforts .
21 He grunted with annoyance and sat down in the sparse grass with his back to the worn stone and let the meagre sun warm him .
22 He sat down in the big easy-chair beside the kitchen range , took me on his knee and read me a story .
23 ‘ Because one thing 's for certain , Charlie Trumper , ’ she told him as they sat down in the little room at the back of Salmon 's to check the monthly accounts , ‘ you do n't know the first thing about butchery .
24 At 9 p.m. the women sat down in the common room and said they were n't going to bed until the heating was fixed .
25 Yet , unable to refuse the implied reproach , Celia sat down in the antique rocking chair she had bought and allowed Miss Maynard to pass her the child .
26 Nails , without thinking , sat down in the comfortable straw and talked to the mare , leaning his head against the refrigerator wall .
27 Karen sat down in the soft , dark sand and let the ripples of cold Atlantic water wash round her thighs .
28 With a second cup in my hand , I sat down in an upright chair opposite my hostess .
29 She sat squarely in a big armchair and looked at him .
30 They sat downstairs in a double seat in the back row .
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