Example sentences of "sat [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Branson was not present , but his personal lawyer , Colin Howes , sat through the hearing with a sinking heart .
2 We sat for the rest of the evening with that particularly pleasant feeling which comes when the jobs aboard are getting seen to and the heaviest thing you 've lifted , thus far , is a glass .
3 The wood cracked against Belle 's hands and she sat for the rest of the lesson holding her knees .
4 She sat for the evening with a strange man 's hand inside her stocking , and yet it had not occurred to her that the laws of a disorganized school trip were not the laws of nature or of justice .
5 So she gave up , and sat between the vines in the hot sun , alternately sleeping and working her way through the dusty volumes of Peregrine Pickle , bound in crimson and gold leather , with real bookworms making agitated forays from their dark crannies into the heat and light across the extraordinary scenes where Smollett 's elderly ladies retained their urine indefinitely to put out putative fires , or sweetened their foul breaths with violet cachous to deceive desired young lovers .
6 Susan thought : Now I 've lost him ; but he sat behind the wheel without starting the engine .
7 Mr Alfred Oliver sat behind the counter of his tobacconist 's at 15 Cross Street , a small connecting street joining the parallel Broad and Friar Streets .
8 Twenty feet away , Sonny sat against the wall of the piggery , paralysed with fear , staring at the writhing body of his brother with open-mouthed horror .
9 They sat against the wall of the house , just under the stone parapet of the first floor terrace .
10 They sat against the wall on turfed seats in the shade , looking out over raised herb banks of hyssop , lavender and other fragrant shrubs .
11 He sat against the parapet with his back to the view .
12 Nevertheless each year on election day , as Carel Weight observed , Minton sat near the telephone in the Senior Common Room in the hope of acceptance .
13 She followed him into the field and they sat beneath the shade of a large oak tree .
14 We sat along the wall at the back of the shops .
15 Sat along the front of the stage , bored looking girls ca n't even be bothered to turn around and see what all the commotion is about .
16 In his spare time he sat with the Bookman in the spots of sun on the shelves or hunted for Mould to ask him if he could borrow some of his tools .
17 It was late afternoon , the micro hones had been taken away , the hall was only half lit ; Karajan sat with the orchestra in something closer to a seance or seminar than a rehearsal .
18 George stared at the bagpipes as I clambered into the passenger seat beside him and sat with the pipes on my lap .
19 She sat with the mother on the station side of the train .
20 they sat inside the hut beside a fire of thin bamboo , all there was to burn for firewood this high up above the treeline .
21 We sat round the fire with our leftovers and I answered their questions about the day 's events .
22 One evening as they sat round the fire after dinner , Stephen suggested to Tamar , ‘ Why do n't you learn to ride ?
23 We sat round the piano with the candles in front of our music stands and played one of the trios we know best .
24 The six sat round the table in the kitchen , with an assortment of take-aways , which they had brought in separately and which they would now consume together : pizzas , and fish and chips , and pies .
25 After supper on the first night we sat round the table in anticipation of the promised induction talk .
26 They sat in the streets near the school listening to the amplified announcements of successive unanimous votes for Magharba candidates , men — as one bank manager said indignantly and exaggeratedly — ‘ without a school-leaving certificate between them ’ .
27 The man 's cousin sat in the Lords with the Bishop .
28 Last spring I sat in the Windows on the World restaurant on the 45th floor of the World Trade Center , whose twin towers are a New York landmark .
29 With the world 's transport systems not prepared to align themselves with Athletico training sessions or match kick-offs , Homstat was sometimes absent for weeks on end , giving team talks with the aid of an interpreter over the telephone , or he would be a lone , pathetic figure , sat in the dug-out on a wet Monday morning urging on thin air .
30 Going off the start at a blistering 51 strokes-a-minute , they sat in the field until the 1500m mark where they were expected to make their challenge .
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