Example sentences of "tried [verb] about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The sturdily independent high tech sector had naught for the comfort of either major party in the run-up to today 's by-election in Newbury , Berkshire when the big guns from party headquarters showed up for photocalls during the build-up : Labour chose Vodafone Group Plc and tried to commiserate about the recession , only to be told that business had been going gangbusters for several months , the Tories went looking for green shoots at Micro Focus Plc , only to be told that the UK market was flat on its back , and that it was only foreign sales that were keeping the old Coboller busy .
2 And because I loved him , and he was unhappy , I tried to forget about the sea .
3 He tried to think about the Wall .
4 Then she sat at her bureau and put her hands to her flaming cheeks and tried to think about the hens , the sea , the possibility of buying a pig , something , anything , rather than the likelihood of not being painted by Michael Swinton .
5 I tried to explain about the break-ins , the gangs , the violence but he was adamant .
6 I tried to enquire about the uncle and the boats .
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