Example sentences of "held out [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By yesterday evening the largest lender , the Halifax , which held out a glimmer of hope earlier in the day that it could stick with its 13.5 per cent rate , acknowleged a rise was inevitable .
2 She followed Nick into the room and held out a bunch of sweet peas , wrapped in paper .
3 Sister Cecilia held out a hand towards her , saying , ‘ Come child , come , ’ then led her out of the room , through the corridor , upstairs , and into her cubicle .
4 He held out a hand towards her .
5 Straightening , she watched as he undid the holding gate , and then held out a hand towards her .
6 He told Brett and Rogers to hold back then crossed to where Whitlock stood and held out a hand of greeting .
7 ‘ Are you saying that Battling Bertha held out a hand of friendship ? ’
8 With Keith behind her , she felt much more confident and determined and she held out a hand to each of them .
9 Pearce returned a hard stare , pushed himself from his seat and held out a hand to Rohmer .
10 He held out a hand to her .
11 She held out a hand to him and patted the sofa beside her .
12 Silas stood watching the rafts until they disappeared round the bend of the Mohaka , then he held out a hand to Lucy .
13 Pedro Gomez held out a hand for the spear gun .
14 Children in rags ran along beside them ; festoons of washing hung from windows ; piles of garbage buzzed with flies , and at every other doorway some blind or leprous beggar held out a hand for alms .
15 He smiled at her , told her to sit herself down , and held out a hand for Undry .
16 She held out a hand for the goggles , but when Benny returned them , she simply tucked them away .
17 She held out a piece of black cardboard with a silver star stuck on it , and when her mother made no effort to take it from her or exclaim her delight and approbation , she stared up at her and then said , ‘ Mammy ? ’
18 Mr Valdimir Petrovsky , a UN envoy , said he had had ‘ frank , serious and businesslike ’ talks with the Libyan leader , but he held out no hope of a breakthrough .
19 Perhaps he saw it , for his face relaxed at once and he held out an arm to her .
20 Often I saw a clean-limbed beech , pale and slender , yet firm in its loftiness , that shook delicately arched branches at the top , and below held out an arm on which a form of schoolboys might have sat , — rising out of fine grass and printing its perfect outlines on the sky , — and I could fancy it enjoyed a life of pleasure that was health , beauty that was strength , thought that was repose .
21 But the discrepancy is more important than that : Qaddafi held out the promise of statelessness , of the absence of centralized control , and this failure was therefore at the centre of his political theory .
22 He held out the parcel to her .
23 He held out the collar to the teacher with one hand and pointed to a picture of Koko with the other .
24 But when he held out the bread to Charlotte , he could not do it , because he was shaking and crying so much .
25 For M Delors , a Labour government held out the hope of support for some of his budget proposals , which are set to cost the British taxpayer an extra £1 billion per year .
26 The review abolished local authority representation in health service bodies , gave a greater role to the Audit Commission to ensure value for money , gave doctors budgets and linked a greater share of their salaries to the number of patients treated , and held out the possibility of hospitals ‘ opting out ’ and becoming self-governing .
27 Gaddafi again held out the possibility of handing over the two men for trial by the Arab League in an Arab country , saying such a solution would be ‘ fine ’ .
28 In addition , British membership of Nato and of the Commonwealth held out the possibility of access to a multiplicity of markets .
29 He also held out the possibility of including right-wing parties in his coalition , in return for their support for Labour policy .
30 BRITISH Aerospace yesterday held out the possibility of a multi-million pound investment in its operations at Prestwick in Ayrshire .
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