Example sentences of "held [pers pn] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Frantically Shannon tried to wriggle away , but he was too fast for her , his large body effectively pinning her to the mattress , and when she tried to slap him he caught her flailing wrists and held them fast on the pillow above her head .
2 He was polishing glasses and he held them up to the light to check them and thereby seemed to be ignoring Maidstone completely .
3 I pretended to find a smudge on the glasses , rinsed them , dried them and held them up to the light .
4 SCRIBBLED swear words on pillows and held them up to the cabin crew members demonstrating emergency procedures .
5 They thought it was normal for Lucy ( they had never called her Mummy ) to fly from room to room looking for her watch , keys , diary , gloves , scarf , and blow a kiss to them from the garden path as the taxi-driver carried her cello out to the car , while Nissy held them up to the window to wave .
6 Adam held me steady against the wall , protecting me with his body , very pleasantly .
7 The seats , upholstered in dark red leather , held you high above the surface of the road and shed a certain dignity on your journey ; you did not so much travel as process .
8 I held you firmly by the hand ,
9 Some days Ariel carried the hooped Sycorax on her back ( she would not ride on anyone else ) down to the shore and into the water , and held her up under the arms so that she could let her contorted frame float free ; small currents spun in the water as if to ease her , and the sky 's blue height seemed to catch them up into its soft vastness and give them fins and wings to fly and swoop , so that they both felt airier and brighter than they had since their freedom had come to an end , and the memory of their former peace returned for a space .
10 Anna rose and walked away , very slowly and stiffly — Constanza tried to follow her but a waiter held her up with the bill .
11 They held her up to the window , and she was crying and banging on the glass as we drove away . ’
12 As though humouring her , he put out his arms and held her loosely round the waist , smiling at her in a sympathetic way , as one does to an invalid .
13 Each touch of each finger seemed to burn through her sweat-shirt , and her insides gave the most awful lurch as he held her easily above the floor , his eyes fixed steadily on hers .
14 He pulled her into his arms , giving her no chance to try to evade him as he held her tightly against the solid strength of his body .
15 He held her tightly against the length of him , and there was no space between their bodies .
16 He held her hard against the door , his dark face very close .
17 One large hand held her down over the back of the upright chair , so that the top of her head was pushed into the seat .
18 You held her down for the other one .
19 The younger man had hauled his older opponent from the ground and held him up against the wall with one hand while he pummelled his face with the other , and the blood covered his fist .
20 They overpowered him and , while the rest held him down on the pavement , one of them put the razor in the corner of Joyce 's mouth and slit his cheek backwards beyond the ear .
21 He took the Deep Space discod from his jerkin and held it meaningfully towards the light source .
22 The poor bird squawked and scrabbled , its claws beating the madman 's stomach , ripping his rags still further , but Red Hand held it firmly by the neck .
23 Alice ended with a flourish of her bow , held it high in the air and found herself laughing in triumph .
24 The police-sergeant took the envelope and held it carefully by the edges between his fingers and thumb .
25 He drew out a sturdy transparent plastic inner bag and held it up to the light to show me the contents .
26 Miss Harker looked at it with distaste as if it were a species of repellent insect wriggling on a pin , then took it carefully between her finger and thumb and held it up to the light of the candle .
27 Once the glass was full he held it up to the lantern that hung from the awning 's strut and toasted whichever patient had paid for that afternoon 's bonefishing .
28 Kirov held it up to the light , studying it .
29 Wondering who had wrote it , Katherine turned the letter over in her hands , and then held it up to the light , looking for a watermark — anything which would indicate its origin .
30 When she held it up to the light she saw that a small circle of skin was inflamed .
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