Example sentences of "written [adv prt] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In one case that I know of , a subsidiary of a major UK company got itself into difficulty through totally misunderstanding its product costs as engineering costs , written off as a lump-sum period cost , increased with the production of more advanced products .
2 Thus , ( 43 ) has the same ambiguity as ( 39 ) between predicate qualifier , giving the " cosmetic " version , and this new pattern of interpretation , which must correspond to the " unacquainted " meaning , and the distinction between the two senses of sentences like ( 39 ) should not be written off as a mere matter of " nuances of meaning " , but instead shows one sequence of surface syntax answering to two different intensional patterns .
3 Beaumont is upset that Jodami 's comfortable two lengths defeat of Rushing Wild is being written off as a sub-standard Gold Cup in some quarters .
4 You may be written off as a malingerer or a neurotic or , perhaps even worse , as someone who must be gently humoured back to health .
5 ‘ Nothing that ca n't be written off as a momentary aberration between a man and a woman .
6 More crudely , they are written off as a rampaging mob , victim to primitive urges or the machinations of conspirators .
7 Being treed by the great wonder-rabbi Shmuel ben Issachar might be written off as an occupational hazard ; being trapped — on an assignment officially aborted-by an undead amateur is unforgivable .
8 Any support , whether financial or political for those outside the enterprise culture — the poor , the homeless , the unemployed — has been written off as the unrealistic and dangerous machinations of the ‘ loony left ’ .
9 Where there does exist a genuine public expression of concern about the way the police operate this can not just be dismissed as a matter of misunderstanding or be written off as the foolish ramblings of that police ‘ folk devil ’ the ‘ loony left ’ , who would dismantle the system for their own political ends .
10 All this data is then written up as a technical report , and forms part of the information stored as an archive for future reference .
11 Part of the fever of the times ; if the Black Panther Huey Newton , posing with rifle and spear , could be written up as a theoretical genius , and his partner , Bobby Seale , interpreted as a tactical wizard , then how much a symbol was Ali — the first to tap and manifest glinting black pride , to dispute with vigour erosive self-laceration .
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