Example sentences of "arms [coord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He buried his head in his arms and rolled about the table in his agony .
2 " No more fooling ! " he said as he snatched the bundle from Mama 's arms and rushed out the back door .
3 As he grabbed at her again she ducked under his arms and ran towards the gates .
4 Whatever the newsheet was telling them they all seemed excited about it ; there was waving of arms and pointing in the direction of Caen .
5 The man and the woman took Susan 's arms and walked down the corridor , with Susan between them .
6 They took Susan 's arms and walked down the corridor , with Susan between them .
7 He curled up and covered his head with his arms and waited for the dark to absorb him .
8 Bearing arms and sharing in the maintenance of order , however , would give men additional powers .
9 He hoisted the contraption in his arms and made for the battlezone .
10 With a giggle she slipped out of his arms and disappeared through the door , turning off the lights as she went .
11 The ‘ Lord Mayor ’ and his ‘ Lady ’ appear at the door of the Forrester 's Arms and climb into the trap which is waiting at the door .
12 Denis could imagine Hardy telling the others in the unit about Hurley 's old man , such a reliable , dependable , loyal , Irish subject of King and country that he answered His Britannic Majesty 's call to arms and fought across the seas under the British Crown for the rights of small nations !
13 Kalchu followed behind , raising his arms and whistling at the stragglers .
14 Dulles precipitated the crisis by peremptorily withdrawing US financial aid for the Aswan Dam , thereby opening the door to the flow of Eastern Bloc arms and influence into the Middle East — the very situation that he had feared British colonial obduracy would create .
15 Then he threw up his arms and dived into the river .
16 He hefted the pistol towards the window , laid it on the sill , cocked it , put a percussion cap beneath the hammer , directed it at some sepoys trotting below , and pulled the trigger , confident that a sepoy would throw up his arms and sink to the ground .
17 When he had strength enough he turned his face into his arms and hid from the light .
18 Is the road to Scottish-style democracy and a Scottish parliament just plain littered with members of opposing parties linking arms and striding towards the new tomorrow ?
19 Ludovico folded his arms and leaned on the table .
20 He folded his arms and leaned against the mantelpiece .
21 Turning his back on the receiver , he folded his arms and leaned against the chart table .
22 Jim came back with some clothes over his arms and stood at the door , while Bella very slowly told Albert to come and be interviewed next week for a job as a public-relations officer in their department store .
23 But when they reached his room Leonora wriggled out of his arms and stood on the bedside rug , hands behind her back , guilt flooding her now in full force at the look in his eyes .
24 Finally Travis let himelf down by his arms and dropped to the ground .
25 The crowd and television fans will be thirsting for Eubank to be more positive than against Tony Thornton two months ago , when he simply shouldered arms and retreated during the last two rounds before nicking the points decision .
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27 The sudden descent into abuse took McLeish by surprise and he realized he must have shown it , because the girl literally got a grip on herself , folding her arms and hunching over the table .
28 The master hit him with the serving spoon , then seized Oliver 's arms and shouted for the beadle .
29 In England , the obligation to own arms and to train in the use of them was shared by all male adults , as the Assize of Arms of 1181 and the Statute of Winchester of 1285 made clear .
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