Example sentences of "aware [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I think that both governments are aware of the proposals that emerged from th my dialogue with Mr Addams , and the process that has emerged , that I have said , and he has said is substantial progress towards lasting peace .
2 It is better that the purchaser is aware of the difficulties before contracts are executed as this reduces the possibility of disputes for breach of warranty arising once the transaction is completed .
3 Having entered the soft systems world as an untrained novice some years ago , and endeavoured to apply the theories to problem situations within my normal sphere of activity , aided only by the few textbooks that were then on the market and occasional contact with other exponents of the approach , I am keenly aware of the difficulties that some practitioners may have , not only with understanding the principles but also with putting them into practice .
4 Teaching is one of the few professions open to Salvadorean women and they are well aware of the difficulties that women must face if they wish to receive an education .
5 As a member of the Select Committee , I was extremely concerned when Mr. Rimington , Director General of the Health and Safety Executive , revealed in his evidence that he had not been aware of the restrictions that Lord Cullen felt had been placed upon him in respect of investigating labour relations .
6 Everyone must be equally aware of the values and expectations of a successful school .
7 Unless one is aware of the injunctions and the effect they are having , the penalty is automatically exacted , like a direct debit , and self-worth is threatened .
8 However , we are aware of the concerns that have been expressed about the system as compared with the arrangements in England and Wales , where appeals are made to valuation and community charge tribunals .
9 Be aware of the assumptions that they are making concerning human nature ( McGregor ) .
10 They should be able to see the connections between diverse areas of human experience , and should become more aware of the assumptions that underlie their beliefs .
11 As I have emphasized , it is very important to be aware of the assumptions that lie behind these classifications and the theories based on them .
12 No definition can be ‘ correct ’ , as there is no national definition , but agencies must be comfortable with it and aware of the assumptions and values behind it .
13 It is by no means clear that many newcomers are even aware of the feelings that they arouse from time to time in the local population .
14 The local historian should be aware of the systems and the difficulties they create .
15 This is usually the province of the production engineering department but all engineers should be aware of the systems and conventions used in their own companies .
16 This is usually the province of the production engineering department but all engineers should be aware of the systems and conventions used in their own companies .
17 The counsellor needs to be aware of the wishes and expectations of both old and young alike about the nature of the caring role within the family , and this is particularly so when families live separately .
18 ‘ We 're more aware of the disposals because they 're on paper , and the amount is going down .
19 Despite having visited the country and despite a long interest in the area , even I was not fully aware of the complexities and the depth of feeling in the various component parts of Yugoslavia until I read the quite remarkable book that Chris Cviic wrote for the Royal Institute of International Affairs only a few months ago .
20 As children grow older they will become more consciously aware of the likes and dislikes of those who care for them .
21 Learn to become aware of the odours and aromas around you in everyday life .
22 For this reason I am deeply committed to the cause of raising our profile , and you will all be aware of the initiatives that are under way to promote us in a wider role .
23 The fact is you ca n't stay on top of a cloud indefinitely , and however long you put it off , there 's going to be a corresponding second phase of disappointment and disenchantment when each partner becomes aware of the bits that they 're not so keen on .
24 We are only too aware of the frustrations and annoyance of a sale which collapses and we will do everything in our power to ensure that your sale is completed to your total satisfaction and with a minimum of fuss .
25 But associated with the prohibition is the education and training of workers so that they are aware of the dangers and understand the reason for preventive action .
26 You are aware of the dangers and you are aware that I can not order you to do this .
27 In large part the misuse of tranquillizers was directly created by doctors and indirectly by the pharmaceutical manufacturers ; both were insufficiently aware of the dangers and over-enthusiastic about the real but limited benefits that these drugs can bring to a tiny number of people .
28 Young people themselves are remarkably aware of the dangers and the availability of solvents … it 's the mothers and fathers who are most ignorant .
29 The pragmatic consensus weakened as people became more aware of the tensions and contradictions between these different approaches to community education and working-class community action .
30 It was reassuringly added that the Americans were well aware of the shortcomings and had no intention of pushing Korea into premature independence .
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