Example sentences of "to look at [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If Labour 's executive brethren are also disposed to look at new options and new deals today they will doubtless incur some internal wrath .
2 Okay , we can agree what I have said so far but then I 'm going to have to look at other things once I 've made further changes .
3 The LEA will need to look at other routes as well .
4 She was told not to look at other boys because they 'd think she was fat and ugly .
5 Erm I think it 's really very sad that i it 's just the society we live in has put these kind of pressures on marriages and you know we 're all human and we can all be tempted to look at other people and be unfaithful but in those times of er you know temptation you just I well I I 've found that that 's where my faith comes in you 're sort of helped through those times .
6 Room maids also suggested improving the honeymoon suite , so we gave them a project to look at suitable fabrics and rival hotel suites .
7 To understand government policies concerning food , we need to look at nutritional levels and the quantity and nature of food production .
8 Somebody , somebody said finances , I think it 's very important and I 'd like to look at financial implication and see if we can do something about it .
9 The curriculum provides many opportunities to look at current work and organisational problems .
10 However , we believe that unless there are exceptional circumstances , it is for people with local knowledge to look at individual proposals and to decide them in the way that best meets local requirements .
11 Erm conversely I I think we would want to look at individual proposals as they as they came forward , and see what landscaping proposals they have and er how they intend to mitigate any perhaps adverse er landscape er implications .
12 Armour-plated like giant turtles , humped and unruly and gashed with ferocious battle scars , yet in other places so biscuit-thin that it is possible to look at distant landscapes or clouds through the pierced form of a perforation in the ridge ( rather like one of Henry Moore 's outdoor sculptures ) .
13 To look at possible locations and I would hope and expect to have a positive contribution from the district council representatives on that , and the county .
14 And also we , we , we need to look at strict plans as I say , because we 're not particularly good , good at that .
15 This month we 're going to look at minor scales and their application .
16 This session also provides an opportunity to look at cultural bias and racism in materials .
17 Tonight , and during the next two Tuesday programmes , we are going to look at cultural links and influences .
18 The object of the research is to look at corporate strategy and structure in the aerospace and airline sectors using a recently developed analytical technique , synergy mapping .
19 You need only to look at commercial copy or displays to see how powerfully a type-face complements the message it is conveying .
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