Example sentences of "to look at [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 D' you wanted to look at that wood in the shed .
2 We are working within a straight jacket imposed by central government , but our choice was that budget , for all its faults in totality , for the fact that it was half a million less than it could be , and the budget put forward by the Labour party who had totally refused to negotiate on their budget , and therefore we ought to look at that budget in detail to see what was on offer , because it was n't very pretty .
3 Phoned all day , he said , you 'd better get the engineers to look at that telephone of yours .
4 Before doing so , however , it is necessary to look at that sector of the economy which , according to some , harbours the lotus eaters of post-war Britain , namely , services .
5 ‘ Send a man up to look at that part of the army , ’ Ligulf said .
6 ‘ We are conscious , ’ John Page concluded , ‘ that our costs put quite a burden on some of you , and I believe we are going to have to look at that aspect of the ‘ level playing field ’ because we know you think this unfair as not all countries are in the same position .
7 The bar chart that was the result of the survey we did you need to look at that piece of work and ask yourself a question , is this piece of work the best thing I have ever done ?
8 It may be useful to look at each element of the package in turn .
9 These ‘ eclectic ’ economists prefer to look at each element of the debate and assess it as dispassionately as possible in the light
10 Erm and er the other thing about it is that although we have to look at , in order to discover the preference , we have to look at each dimension as a discrete entity , once you 've found the preferences , they actually have a dynamic relationship with each other .
11 It holds ‘ blitz ’ evenings where couples have under five minutes to look at each other before fixing up dates .
12 If you 're working alone one way of dealing with it is for the class to look at each side in turn : they can all play the townspeople who want to join the survey team , and then all play those who do n't want the railway to come through the town .
13 Right has everyone had a chance to look at some stuff since last time ?
14 I hang around for a bit , pretending to look at some writing on the board .
15 I do n't think we 're gon na solve it today , but what I 'm saying is did we ought to look at some sort of action plan brainstorm , call it what you will for the very near future to look at how we 're gon na tackle this problem .
16 The logical erm conclusion from that was to look at some form of tertiary education and that is what the County Council went out to consultation on .
17 In this book we will be using verbal , informal descriptions rather than such a formal language for two reasons ; ( a ) these languages define more detail than we usually wish to consider ; and ( b ) they describe complete computers , whereas we wish to look at any stage at a particular aspect of a number of computers .
18 ‘ He also showed a remarkable capacity to look at any form of contract and identify both the things that needed taking out and what has been wrongly omitted .
19 Er , now the county really ought to look at this problem of grass growing over the pavement but the Cou Borough Council are using the shields that are not capable of cutting grass edges , grass verges .
20 Labour members of the Select Committee on Procedure obtained permission from the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Chief Labour Whip to look at this omission in the 1968–9 session .
21 Now in order to look at this relationship between labour and capital and output total product simultaneously we need to draw a 3 D diagram , alright , but because my diagrams are bad enough in 2 D what we are going to do is we are going to constrain one of these factors , right , so what we will do is we will pick a level of ou a level of capital input , right , and we will see what happens to total product as we vary labour .
22 ‘ It may be that Parliament has to look at this issue of excluding people from property when they 've got property rights , ’ he said .
23 Okay and perhaps erm perhaps you 'd also like to l would you like to look at this side of things as well ?
24 Yes , and this is why I want to look at this week at a glance diary , so that you will go away and I want you to fill this in as I 'm filling in on the board , you 'll go away with an idea what a diary , sorry , spit there , ha , erm , of what a diary will look like roughly , so that you know what your diary should look like every week .
25 At one point on the next night Jordi drew me into the shadows and to my astonishment produced a vicious-looking switch-blade knife , warning me never to look at another man in his presence .
26 Next week we 're going to look at another facet of education — should girls be treated in school any differently from boys ?
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