Example sentences of "to look [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That he 'd gone out to look for her on the road and across the clunch pit field , returning alone half an hour later .
2 We told him to look for us in the evening .
3 It hit the platform fence and ran under the carriage ; as quick as a flash the boy darted past Charlotte and Albert and tried to look for it under the wheels .
4 Of course , that is what we have to look for , and , of course , there are inevitably going to be occasions when we are compelled to look for it outside the four corners of the language that the draftsman has used .
5 She 's too stuck up to look for it in the back of a cab just yet , but it 'll come to it one day when she gets a few more years on her , even the milkman wo n't be safe and she 'll be grateful .
6 As well as coaching many of Britain 's leading international crews , Spracklen is a key member of the Oxford University team , and he will be returning from Canada in March to look after them for the last fortnight before the Boat Race .
7 It is of course necessary for someone to look after them in the home , and though there are some back-up services available , the responsibility mainly falls on one person — usually a close relative or friend , usually a woman .
8 Already suffering from physical ailment , and surrounded by some marvellous women who took it in turns to look after him in the evening of his life , he was a fount of ideas and vision .
9 Michael Harvey was assigned to look after him inside the house .
10 But I think there 's also the other end of the scale which is , which is what , you 've slightly amended this year , is the fact of elderly people erm , I know recently that myself have gone through the fact of my gran had er , was going through a very sick period , and if she 'd have come back home , it would have been very difficult for me to have had to look after her at the same time as trying to attend my council duties , and this would have been the same for my dad , and the additional income which this would have brought , to have paid someone to be able to look after her whilst we were at council meetings , and you can remember that these meetings sometimes go on , you can say well , this meeting should be over by one o'clock then it goes on till three o'clock or whatever , and then peop , the problems mount up for that person left on their own , and I think that those things have to be taken into consideration , and I believe that this is the first step forward in trying to recognise that people have responsibilities outside of the council chamber .
11 Alice afterwards — in an effort to safeguard her position — claimed that it was the queen who had summoned her and who had promised to look after her in the future .
12 As I have said , to look in them around the countryside is much like taking rural rides with Cobbett .
13 It flatters the British mind , and certainly the English mind , to look upon it as the envy of the world .
14 And she did , leaving a very bewildered Ellie to look round her at the well-equipped kitchen and the gently steaming kettle .
15 No-one could label him ‘ collaborator ’ , and a wide spectrum of the population began to look to him in the chaotic aftermath of the Japanese defeat .
16 She was determined not to look on it as the ending of a chapter but the making of a new beginning .
17 If we take wanting everybody to look at him as the ‘ real ’ reason , then the case of Stavrogin is ( in the lawyer 's phrase ) on all fours with that of the underground man 's indecent exposure of consciousness .
18 A lot of humans had been in to look at him in the last few minutes .
19 David was silent for so long that she had to look at him in the end .
20 She turned to look at him in the darkness ; he stayed looking at her .
21 But in Jamaica at the time , there were no facilities for kids , just for professional fighters , so I just used to look at them through the fence , sparring and punching the bag .
22 Woodlice feed mainly at night , so to see them actually feeding you need to look at them during the evening .
23 ‘ I was hoping to look at them on the plane , but they were at the bottom of the pile and I never got around to it . ’
24 We are used to looking at faces , the faces of people , for their emotions and feelings ; and when we wonder about the emotions of animals we tend to look at them in the same limited way .
25 Most studies of social services , however , tend to look at them from the historical or development view .
26 She tried to recall her life before the siege and the heads of young officers turning to look at her at the Calcutta racecourse .
27 Nigel turned his head to look at me for the first time and smiled in a kindly manner .
28 He turned to look at me across the studio .
29 He had been thinking about buying Lyn a kitten for her birthday , and as he came up to the great dolmen , had paused to look at it for the thousandth time , he had seen the bundle on the ground .
30 This is available if anyone wants to look at it during the course .
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