Example sentences of "to look [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Elisabeth was torn between retreating at once , following the path back the way she had come , or continuing as far as the colonnade to look through the windows into the music room .
2 He checked the bathroom and kitchen and only then stood up to look through the windows to be certain that no one had made a run for the trees .
3 Victoria went to look for the schedules of the complex from the main office .
4 Scholars who are good at knowing where to look for the sources of their subject matter may not be good at knowing where to look for suitable software .
5 If one wants to look for the origins of conflict in modern America , one could do worse than line up the eighteenth-century Puritans against the Enlightenment men : say , Jonathan Edwards ( 1703–1758 ) , Samuel Davies ( 1723–1761 ) and Timothy Dwight ( 1752–1817 ) versus Benjamin Franklin ( 1706–1790 ) , Thomas Jefferson ( 1743–1826 ) , Thomas Paine ( 1737–1809 ) and James Madison ( 1751–1836 ) .
6 However , before the electron microscope was available , in fact in 1937 , Andrade and Tsien decided to look for the cracks by the method of decoration , using of course an optical microscope .
7 He not only attacks the SEC for being politically grounded , suggesting that the SEC 's limited resources are being focused on those least in favour with the enforcement agency , but by adopting the Stigler ‘ interest theory ’ of regulation , he argues that if one were to look for the supporters of anti-insider dealing provisions , one would find that it is neither society nor the markets , but the SEC itself .
8 In other words , if you want to explain social phenomena , you got to look for the explanations in society .
9 Eventually her grandmother came to rouse her , infuriated as always to see the lanky child leaning against the cornerpost of the verandah , craning her long neck to look between the palms at nothing .
10 ACE/AGIT recommend that one of the governors undertakes to look after the interests of the children with special educational needs .
11 Moore is said to have been a pioneer in producing a periodical for seamen , the Mariners ' Journal , which was published briefly between 185I and 1854 , and to have advocated the first system of paid shore based officials to look after the interests of their members while they were at sea .
12 Does my hon. Friend accept that the good farmers of Hexham are grateful for his sincere effort to look after the interests of farmers in the less-favoured areas ?
13 Your care and our representatives to look after the interests of the population within your area .
14 He accused the Labour group of going back on its promise to look after the interests of the handicapped .
15 The result was a system in which the government never changed hands , but instead was carried out by those who could be trusted to look after the affairs of state .
16 I was still at school but at home I used to look after the accounts for the soap factory .
17 The following year Universal closed up shop and MGM shuttered its Borehamwood Studios , disgracefully leaving Fred Zinneman to look after the bills for a cancelled production of André Malraux 's Man 's Fate .
18 The Acting Reporter from Strathclyde , Gordon Sloan , who had filled in for the past year , would continue to look after the cases with which he had been involved .
19 He offered to make all the arrangements , such as organize the travel and someone to look after the cattle for me , so I agreed .
20 But , though Nonni was willing to look after the babies for part of the day , even the dullest of part-time jobs was not easy to find .
21 A unique service is being offered to people who are finding it hard to look after the graves of their loved ones .
22 For example , you could offer to look after the children for the weekend while he takes a well-earned break .
23 In the Roman Catholic Church priests are sometimes appointed to look after the needs of a particular ethnic group .
24 In my last job I used to look after the animals in a large zoo near the practice , where I was an assistant .
25 But then we were big enough now to look after the kids for her while she went .
26 ‘ She 'd have to look after the kids in the evenings . ’
27 Here pupils may be able to look behind the scenes at how documents are stored .
28 When I visit the veterans , they have such a wealth of experience to tell of the old days , some I may add , from before I was born , and it does seem such a shame they never get an invite to look behind the scenes of a present day JS branch .
29 The faces along the table started to look like the masks of animals in a zoo and struck him as needing his help to get out .
30 Are the clips on the sidewalk grills meant to look like the soles of giant feet ! "
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