Example sentences of "to look [adv] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Is it not time to look afresh at the foundations of our laws in relation to mental illness with a view to making the central focus that of providing a framework whereby those whose judgment is so impaired by their illness that they are unable to recognise the need for treatment will receive such treatment in as humane , sensitive and effective a way as possible .
2 However , to look only at the persons who were the actual depositors would not be satisfactory .
3 In acute diseases it is generally adequate to look only at the symptoms of the acute disease itself .
4 I I I have to say that I I I I 'm not enthusiastic about using this which is so obviously at a report in support of the particular locations , to look objectively at the criteria .
5 If they are receiving thousands of pounds as members of Cardiff Bay development corporation , they are unlikely to look dispassionately at the interests of their wards .
6 In the street below the house with the dome people were pausing to look up at the arrows in the spike .
7 However , he had continued to look regularly at the newspapers for other vacancies .
8 We have become so obsessed with dowries and transfer payments that we are unable to look comprehensively at the needs of users
9 In the UK we have become so obsessed with dowries and transfer payments that we are unable to look comprehensively at the needs of users , let alone ask their views , and community care encourages this approach to service delivery .
10 In analysing political action — that is to say , struggles for power — we need to look primarily at the activities of social groups rather than the actions of individuals , although the influence of particular individuals may evidently be a significant factor in some historical situations .
11 Last night Mr Nick Lloyd , editor of the Daily Express , who had not been present at Tuesday 's meeting , said that the editors of Express Newspapers — the Daily and Sunday Express and the Star — and the publisher , Lord Stevens , had not had time to look closely at the proposals .
12 Er the reason for the get-together is for us to look closely at the aspirations of the group within the immediate future , and taking us forward three to five years .
13 Dr Vaughan , whose firm employs 3,800 , had asked the MP to look closely at the cuts issue .
14 My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State will take the case to his colleagues in the Council of Ministers and ask them to look again at the proposals , which would be damaging not only to British industry but to industries — including tourism — right across the Community .
15 And yet the impact on us is considerable , and I 'm seriously wondering whether the major spending committees ought not to look again at the budgets that they 're erm , and I 've discussed this with , and obviously education is the big problem , but er , I 'm not convinced that erm , the sums of money which we 're being asked to pay out , not be taken from the education budget without too dra drastic an effect on the school .
16 The Jockey Club has announced it is to look again at the appeals procedure available to parties involved in disciplinary hearings .
17 With the franchise bids for Channel 3 close to completion and the date set for the advertising of Channel 5 franchises it is timely to look again at the possibilities in the new channel , and in particular at the potential for ‘ city television ’ .
18 It seems essential to look explicitly at the implications of the interpretation of normalisation for professional styles of working .
19 Booksellers should begin to look seriously at the possibilities of stocking multimedia products , or run the risk of losing out to consumer electronics retailers and an erosion of their market .
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