Example sentences of "to look [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you can not see a suitable field , do n't be afraid to make a well banked circle to look right round the whole area .
2 We need to look rather to the social conditions of our own time and the recent past to understand why such a myth seems plausible and important .
3 Perhaps it is in this context that Evangelicals and Catholics have to look afresh at the troublesome problem of speaking of the sacrament as a ‘ sacrifice ’ .
4 This has forced us to look afresh at the regular London days and , with the prompting of a number of the most regular attenders , we have decided to drop the June day , which in recent years has had a low attendance .
5 I happened to look in on the Private Office before going home in order to see whether there was anything I ought to take account of .
6 After a moment he raised his dark head to look quizzically into the wide golden eyes fixed on him .
7 The violent hammering continued and Jenna crept out of bed to look down into the dark courtyard .
8 If Joe had not caught her , she would be there now , walking up the dale to look down on the sleeping cottage .
9 They eventually approached Berwick from the north-west , rounding the skirts of Halidon Hill , and from there able to look down on the grey town at the wide mouth of Tweed , two miles off .
10 He had , as Dalgliesh knew , grudgingly respected Kate 's ability to look down at the butchered bodies in St Matthew 's vestry and not be sick , but he had n't liked her the better for it .
11 He was too alert not to catch the look and he was swift enough to look down in the same instant at his cup .
12 The total investment need is there from the beginning but it is split into two phases and in our thinking it is only too easy to look only at the first phase because this almost returns the organisation to profitability , and to ignore the second phase which may be essential .
13 It enabled Eliot to look not to the detested Unitarianism of his family , but towards a deeper , wider , yet also more personal ‘ rhythm ’ present , though scarcely recognized at the time .
14 People do n't seem to moan on but tend to look more at the positive angles .
15 In this way , the mind is taught and instructed to look inwardly at the spiritual nature [ of things ] , towards the secret power that is hidden in everything and works in everything in an incomprehensible way .
16 Hope looked down the fell where Colonel and Mrs Moore were strolling with unskilful aimlessness , taking care never to look up towards the two figures on the rump of mountain .
17 When a colleague had some treatment , a tape was played and he was made to look up at the highest point of the ceiling .
18 After a few moments he began walking , pausing once to look up at the grand facade of the Shelbourne .
19 To look up at the towering medieval universe is much more like looking at a great building .
20 She had to look up at the glittering green eyes ; she could n't help herself ; she had to watch as Fincara stooped down before her , white hands on knees , and sang —
21 Finally he suggested that the committee would have to look both at the alternative provision for the 16–19 age-group that was provided by BTEC , CGLI , CVPE , and RSA ( all that which is to come under the general control of the new National Council for Vocational Qualifications ) and at the extent to which pupils who have followed GCSE courses may have become accustomed to a different kind of assessment procedure from that incorporated in A levels .
22 It could also tie up members of the C E C , the General Secretary , the Regional Secretary , the President , Officers and many others in internal wrangles new union just at the time when we need to look outward in the next two or three years .
23 Of course I asked him to look carefully at the locked room , but we did n't find anything important . ’
24 If each overlay were drawn on transparent paper then a light table could be used to allow the viewer to look simultaneously at the spatial distribution of each attribute and to pick out by eye the areas of interest .
25 On present form , future generations are likely to look back on the 1992 election — with its emphasis on marginal tax rates — as at best rather quaint , or at worst a tragic irrelevance .
26 The rest of the 50 minutes should be used to look back on the previous lectures and notes on the same topic .
27 In the week after the election we asked our panel to look back Over the whole campaign and tell us how useful they had found television , the press , and other sources for : ( 1 ) helping decide what party leaders and personalities were really like ; ( 2 ) keeping them informed about the issues ; and ( 3 ) helping them decide how to vote .
28 The object of bereavement work with the elderly can be more one of continuing supportive intervention and understanding the old person 's need to look back over the past years and relationships than of expecting them to ‘ work through ’ their grief to its resolution .
29 In splinters of thought , unconnectedly , I began to look back over the past three weeks .
30 We have to look back to the first quarter of 1988 to see a time when construction output was so low .
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