Example sentences of "reasons [prep] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They have strong reasons for wanting the Montego .
2 I had an uneasy feeling that Sir Robert Armstrong had other reasons for wanting the programme postponed , but would not say what they were .
3 One of his reasons for leaving the Navy had been his dislike of the social relations between officers and ratings — take three paces backwards and shout at them .
4 Eight months later , Cuka hinted briefly at her reasons for leaving the show .
5 It was called " Reunion by Destruction " and in it Eliot set out his reasons for opposing the idea of uniting the Anglican , Presbyterian , Congregationalist and Methodist churches .
6 So it was that in indicating my reasons for preferring the West Country for my motoring , instead of leaving it at mentioning several of the alluring details as conveyed by Mrs Symons 's volume , I made the error of declaring that a former housekeeper of Darlington Hall was resident in that region .
7 Reasons for preferring the cash flow statement :
8 Reasons for preferring the funds flow statement :
9 All political parties have their own reasons for pushing the quality of public services further up the political agenda .
10 In syntactic theory , the verb is often taken to be the head of the sentence , but for our purposes , as we shall see , there are reasons for casting the subject in this role .
11 In summary then , the reasons for choosing The Machine Gunners include the opportunities it offers for various aspects of personal involvement on the part of the reader and its curricular potentials with regard to related topic , theme , and language work .
12 Slightly different considerations show that some reasons for recognizing the authority of another are secondary .
13 In addition , there are all the practical difficulties as to the accessibility of Parliamentary material , the cost of researching it and the use of court time in analysing it , which are good reasons for maintaining the rule .
14 In other words , we can only understand the difference between the public and the private by understanding the reasons for drawing the distinction .
15 Parking problems and noise in the mainly residential area around Darlington Memorial hospital , where the development would have taken place , were given as the main reasons for dismissing the appeal by Surrey-based Bioplan .
16 The Khmers Rouges have the most obvious reasons for wishing the UN ill .
17 ‘ Yes , ’ Sven Hjerson went on , ‘ it is in fact , I am thinking , that all those people who might have given that not very well balanced car the one push needed have also possible reasons for wishing the death of Lord Woodleigh .
18 As Whyte ( 1 943 , p. 300 ) noted in his classic study of Chicago street gangs , acceptance by informants depends much more on the development of personal relationships than on any explanation concerning the reasons for conducting the research .
19 There are generally two pragmatic reasons for knowing the strength of a material .
20 In any case , the reasons for regarding the idea of numerical identity and that of numerical diversity as significant are not such as might enable us to decide unequivocally whether something observed on one occasion is numerically the same as something else observed on a different occasion , or how many ontological objects are involved in a given case .
21 Although my hon. Friend makes persuasive and powerful arguments , I can not accept that they are convincing reasons for moving the line .
22 In 4.2 I gave reasons for doubting the existence or if not the existence the usefulness of infallible beliefs .
23 Surely , if you have serious reasons for doubting the police conclusions , you should approach them ? ’
24 We give here the main reasons for doubting the validity of Urquhart 's population dose estimates , and for rejecting the conclusions of the accompanying contribution ‘ Looking for an increase in deaths from cancer ’ ( pB74 ) .
25 Here too there are reasons for reversing the priority .
26 The following are the main reasons for including the debtors and creditors in the asset sale : It is probable that the purchaser will have taken over all the books and records of the vendor relating to the business and the purchaser may have also taken over all of the vendor 's accounting staff .
27 The reasons for believing the silicon chip to be the cause of another industrial revolution are to do with its cost , capability , and versatility .
28 It made no fucking sense at all , but Plummer had his reasons for believing the information .
29 There were practical reasons for establishing the principle of restitution in this case .
30 There are a number of reasons for expecting the prices of index futures to adjust faster than the spot price , i.e. the market index .
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