Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If we do not review our knowledge from time to time it becomes lost to us and we find ourselves thinking within a shrinking field .
2 In this city where everything is possible , and he cuts such a figure in his light suit and striped silk tie , and is 32 and full of self-confidence , and can walk up to a girl he has never seen before and with a disarming smile ask her when lighting-up time is — how can he be wearing a maroon crew-necked sweater , and cavalry twill trousers with turnups , and be 22 , and find himself running after a girl and being told that she may or may not see him tomorrow ?
3 I find myself pausing for a few dots myself before I turn over the page to find where all this is leading .
4 I ca n't speak for everyone , but whenever I find myself eating in a pub it 's usually because raging hunger has overcome the judgement of discriminating palate .
5 I know some folk wo n't change for anybody they just go harping on in their dialect and er well this fellow said some visitors just do n't understand him I always find myself translating in a situation like that .
6 A few discreet phone calls and suddenly I find myself shunted into a siding while the investigation into Ruggiero 's murder passes me by . ’
7 There 's a light switch near at hand inside that tank and , as you are wearing ear plugs , you find yourself floating in a soundless , dark and warm environment .
8 If you find yourself yearning for a relationship with someone where the feelings are not mutual , or the other person 's love has died , ask yourself what aspect of you that person represents .
9 After the humiliating training they find themselves participating in a war they neither care about nor understand .
10 The result has been a noticeable increase in the number of pilots who suddenly find themselves faced with a situation far beyond their control , usually a situation that they had not even considered at the start of the flight .
11 As employers find themselves competing for a falling number of young workers , there is a real opportunity to change out-dated and discriminatory attitudes towards older people .
12 When Orcs or Goblins march off to battle they invariably find themselves accompanied by a horde of Snotlings armed with bits of wood , broken spears , and weapons they have stolen or scrounged .
13 Ironically many of these people were once keen sports enthusiasts who , due to injury or accident , find themselves confined to a wheelchair .
14 Characters who make it to the top of the hill see a brilliant flash of sunlight , experience momentarily the scent of a summer day abundant with wild flowers and the taste of sweet wine and nectar- and then find themselves standing in a corridor , with their backs to the west wall , opposite the door to the scribe 's room ( location 59 ) .
15 Even if the government backs legislation ( and even more so when it does not and the Houses find themselves confronted by a Private Member 's Bill ) no Bill will ever be passed which offends against the deeply held beliefs of Members , unless amended to accommodate them .
16 By primary seven , the class of around 25 is more confident about relationships , but find themselves torn in a discussion of loyalties .
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