Example sentences of "look at a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Your employer may look at a variety of alternative sanctions .
2 Here , I shall look at a variety of drawing media , both ancient and modern .
3 We shall look at a fragment of spoken discourse , not in terms of how we would characterise the participants ' shared information , but in terms of a process in which each participant expresses a personal topic within the general topic framework of the conversation as a whole .
4 Now you can see how easy it is with the numbers to make mistakes especially if you 're multiplying by tens or hundreds or thousands or looking at , trying to just look at a bit of it , oh that 's just , oh hang on is that seven or is that seventeen ?
5 We are talking major league performance here , even in 1990 ; in 1965 nothing road legal would even look at a Cobra in a straight line .
6 You must look at a film of him and do all you can to emulate his behaviour . ’
7 She could look at a row of colours for hours and never be bored .
8 I mean , for a child to have to sit and look at a wall for twenty-four hours a day — it 's totally out of order , you know .
9 As she looked at the vast and busy canvas , Miss Hatherby sensed she was finding it difficult to take in and said , ‘ You know Constance , you can not look at a painting with the same eyes as you stare down Chollerton High Street .
10 And we 're gon na look at a passage in just a few moments in , it 's in the eighth chapter of acts where a group of people there , they were Samaritans how they came in to experience their pentecost .
11 We can look at a couple of points :
12 The consultation process usually takes the form of a letter describing the application and inviting you to come and look at a copy of the application and any drawings submitted with it .
13 To gain an impression of the extent of employee theft , we will look at a study of fiddling and pilferage at a medium-sized factory-production bakery in south-east England , undertaken by Jason Ditton ( 1977 ) .
14 We may even look at a team of , say , eight people to establish a ‘ norm ’ for a company — a bit like having to be five feet eight inches tall to get into the police . ’
15 If you can not have a separate freezer you should look at a refrigerator with maximum freezer space and capacious food storage compartments .
16 There are literally hundreds of these , and you should look at a catalogue of the Central Statistical Office to see what is available .
17 Let us look at a sequence in a recent series of lessons with the Vancouver children already referred to earlier in this chapter .
18 Having looked at the services export houses have to offer , we shall now look at a number of reasons why a manufacturer might want to use one .
19 He had thought he could look at a picture of Wyvis Hall , a photograph he had taken himself with a cheap camera Zosie had stolen , with equanimity and even a rueful amusement , but it appeared he could not .
20 He will look at a piece of equipment to try to detect signs which indicate what is wrong .
21 She glanced briefly at Twoflower , as one might look at a piece of furniture , then glared down at the man on the bed .
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