Example sentences of "established at the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1961 an Institute of Latin America was established at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow , on the recommendation of Anastas Mikoian , who had recently returned from Cuba .
2 Nevertheless , the ground rules for ‘ ownership ’ must be established at the outset of any involvement .
3 One can visit the town of Kartuzy , the centre of Kashubian folklore , and the picturesque Wdydze Kiszewskie with its fascinating open air museum established at the beginning of the century .
4 Yet the successful pressing home of their attack owed much to the advice of the committee of lords established at the beginning of the parliament , and the council of nine nominated in parliament on 24 May .
5 For Vygotsky , all higher mental processes are established at the level of interpersonal interaction and are , therefore , social in nature .
6 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
7 These were deposited in shallow marine barrier/lagoon complexes that became established at the edge of the basin on top of the marginal platform of the Z1 Anhydrite .
8 These sediments were deposited in a coastal sand-barrier complex that became established at the edge of the platform .
9 Elsewhere , they could be established at the discretion of the LGB when ‘ distress ’ was deemed to be suitably acute .
10 In 1978 a committee was established at the University of Washington School of Medicine , Seattle , to develop a programme for evaluating teaching in the school .
11 The Industrial Relations Research Unit was established at the University of Warwick by the Social Science Research Council in 1970 : its purpose to undertake research of a large-scale , long-term multidisciplinary character .
12 The Bureau was established at the University of Warwick on 1 September 1983 with a contract for a four year period in the first instance .
13 Laboratory studies in zoology had been established at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard under Louis Agassiz in the mid century .
14 Returning to the record established at the head of this chapter , the Modular Course has obviously been transformed as it has grown .
15 Premier Collections was established at the NEC in Birmingham in an effort to co-ordinate the British fashion industry 's sales efforts .
16 His plan for a metropolitan see at London had been stillborn but he had rid himself of the problem of Lichfield ( a process completed by 803 ) , successfully confounded his enemies and consolidated the position Offa had established at the height of his power .
17 The Chelsea China Factory , established at the corner of Justice Walk in 1745 , under the efficient management of a Mr Sprimont provided yet further scenes of energetic business .
18 The Central American participants called for the liberalization of the banana market in view of the possible drop in banana exports once the European single market was established at the end of 1992 .
19 The new church was established at the end of June and united the Autocephalous Church in Ukraine with followers of the former head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church , Metropolitan Filaret , dismissed in May [ see p. 38925 ] .
20 Whereas the German draft treaty on monetary union presented in February would postpone the Eurofed 's creation until 1997 [ see p. 38022 ] , the joint Genscher-Dumas statement proposed that the bank be established at the start of phase two , which members had agreed in October 1990 should start in January 1994 [ see p. 37783 ] .
21 In so far as they have a derivation , it is from the post of Senior Teacher established at the time of the Houghton Review - but seniority , per se , is not a management function .
22 The actual time of the start is difficult to arrive at , and is not important , but whatever the historical facts may be , it can be taken as fairly certain that the misuse of religion had become well established at the time of the advent of Jesus Christ .
23 If , moreover , at this early date , sizeable Nazarean enclaves existed as far distant as Syria , one can not ignore the possibility that they had come into being prior to Jesus 's death and were already established at the time of the Crucifixion .
24 One of the regions adjacent to Surrey which is referred to in Frithuwald 's charter is Sonning , the province of the Suningas in east Berkshire , and it is possible that one of the three sub-kings who witnessed with Frithuwald ruled here , in which case Wulfhere 's presence in Berkshire was already established at the time of Frithuwald 's grant .
25 Two days later a new political movement was formed joining the defunct PSU and the Nouvelle Gauche ( a dissident communist movement established at the time of the 1988 presidential elections and led by Pierre Juquin — see p. 35979 for his candidature ) .
26 This means that it can not be ruled out that new supportive relationships established at the time of a crisis might also sometimes be beneficial .
27 One-year MA degree/Diploma courses , still rather recently established at the Universities of Edinburgh , Reading and Essex provided the source of such qualifications .
28 It will assess the extent to which dependency on international agencies has been established at the expense of indigenous agencies and whether emergency provision has been sustained by the exclusion of developmental aid in a protracted refugee situation .
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