Example sentences of "born [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That is why we need history presented as it is in this book : not just as the brief flicker of time since the industrial revolution or since the invention of writing , but as the 40,000 years of modern thought and language , and the sweep of six million years since we were born as the third chimpanzee .
2 She knew she was more than human — a goddess , born for the eternal burn of love .
3 A comparatively small proportion of each cohort born during the nineteenth century reached old age .
4 For 1981 , the graph , representing in the main those born during the twentieth century , was more rectangular .
5 His paper , born during the German occupation of the Balkans , is due to celebrate 50 years of publication later this year .
6 Teachers and students alike are governed , by and large , by people born during the inter-war years , when the Spanish Civil War and appeasement were the great issues .
7 Analyses of survival distributions of contemporaneous cohorts showed that roots at the northern site consistently lived longer on average than roots born during the same periods at the southern site ( Geham-Mantel test , α =0.05 ) .
8 Bill Clinton , on the other hand , is a ‘ baby boomer ’ born after the terrible war which Bush still has such vivid memories of .
9 Mr John McGarry , a consultant obstetrician , is attempting to monitor all children from the area born after the 6 July incident .
10 The idea for a consortium was born of the year-old fiber channel alliance between HP and IBM , according to Ed Frymoyer the HP alliance manager who is also heading up FCSI .
11 Jezebel , therefore , was Elizabeth of England , that she-wolf , monster of vice and cruelty , sprung of vicious and degenerate stock , for she was born of the incestuous relationship between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn , who was not only his wife but also his illegitimate daughter .
12 • EXAMPLE : Its medical services , born of the increasing concern about AIDS and hepatitis B , are of growing importance to hospitals , doctors and dentists .
13 To many Frenchmen de Gaulle would indeed appear the saviour of France and of the Republic , from the menace of civil war , born of the Algerian conflict ( 1954–62 ) , and from communism .
14 Then , thinking of her own mother , she wondered how two sisters born of the same parents could be so different .
15 Essex , one of the new universities born of the last years of Macmillan 's rule , was occupied .
16 That he could even think of illustrating that perversity with purveyors of a contrary cosmology suggests that his opposition was born of the common conviction that a moving earth violated common sense .
17 Corman , a young independent producer born of the post-Superior Court ruling when studios were cutting back on their own B-movie productions , did not know it at the time , nor did anyone else , but he was about to make a significant contribution to what later became known as the ‘ new Hollywood ’ through the personalities he gave work to on low budget films , either acting , writing , directing or all three .
18 With strength born of the alarming change , Theda thrust the heaviness of Benedict 's body from her and staggered out of reach .
19 However , during the first Two Periods of the development of the Created God , the pleasures of life were confined to those of a purely physical nature and were born of the ruthless competition for life .
20 Born beneath the European sky , AEROSPATIALE , is part of a family as are Great Britain , Germany , Spain and Italy .
21 Because you were born under the first sign of the Zodiac , you tend to need excitement , adventure , action and results .
22 By birth she was a lioness , born under the ruling sign of Leo and proud of it , even if she did n't really set much store by astrology .
23 I always know about you , because we are born under the same star . ’
24 A girl born with the umbilical cord twisted round her neck may feel that she always gets herself tied up in things .
25 He thought that in principle the plaintiff 's right to compensation came into existence only when she was born with the bodily disability from which she suffered .
26 Even when a baby is born with the intact body structures required for communicating , it is necessary to learn to use those structures , to perceive , and to attach meaning to discrete sounds .
27 The Labour Party was born with the 20th century , and seems likely to die with it .
28 Scientists carrying out the research concluded that no child born into the modern world can be considered immune from the effects of low-level lead exposure .
29 Born into the challenging world of mid-19th century Britain , Punch soon displayed a robust originality .
30 Rack renting of this marginal land , bitterly attacked by reformers but never remedied , was the greatest single cause of hardship to those who had not sunk or been born into the vast reservoir of casual labour .
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