Example sentences of "reference was made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When pressed for reasons , they would draw on such ‘ obvious ’ facts as blacks are physically equipped or conditioned better for some sports , or reference was made to the explain-ail theory of ‘ natural ability ’ .
2 Comity considerations were viewed with much more favour , and reference was made to the Second Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States which , in a recent revision , had identified factors to be weighed in cases of discovery abroad :
3 In the consideration of the plight of litigants in the civil courts , reference was made to the difficulty of collecting evidence to support a claim .
4 Despite the work of the surveys no reference was made to the importance of teaching method .
5 Wherever relevant reference was made to The School Curriculum and The Practical Curriculum ( Schools Council , 1981 ) as well as the ‘ entry-year evaluation ’ study .
6 But no specific reference was made to the race of the children , nor did it appear to affect deliberations .
7 Whilst , according to them , some reference was made to the possibility of imprisonment , the second appellant was assured by the solicitor that there was no risk of that and no real need for them to appear before the judge .
8 Extensive reference was made to the provisions in the Insolvency Act 1986 concerning administration orders and to the question whether they apply to the case of unregistered companies .
9 In the first letter , dated 4 March 1991 , reference was made to the fluid and confused situation that had followed upon the successful coup :
10 Yet again , it appears that no reference was made to the Robertson order of 14 May , nor therefore to any possible conflict between this and the " Distone order " .
11 In the last section reference was made to the way in which the Unemployment Assistance Board , which was renamed the Assistance Board in 1940 , took over various functions from the public assistance committees in the early part of the war .
12 Brief reference was made to the Society 's hopes of establishing a railway museum in the town .
13 Reference was made to the high wages that the new chairman earns .
14 Reference was made to the need for affordable housing .
15 Reference was made to the decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of Riley v Tesco Stores Ltd ( [ 1980 ] IRLR 103 ( CA ) ) .
16 Moving to the dais , the Lord Lieutenant then heard a speech of welcome by Mr D G Titcombe , in which reference was made to the development of autocatalysts since 1970 , including the Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement made to the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre in 1977 .
17 This predicts that sorting time would be 24.9568 msecs per card if no reference was made to the value of the cards and that the rate of gain of information for the class is 377.68396 msecs per bit of information per card .
18 Erm , reference was made to the erm changes in the s so- called er living grants .
19 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
20 No direct reference was made by the committee to nuisances , other than noise nuisance , yet if employees want a working environment free from odour nuisance there are provisions in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to enable them , with the aid of their safety representatives or safety committee to achieve this .
21 Lastly , the Spanish Government argued that the possibility afforded by the Act of 1988 of exempting certain persons from the nationality condition to which reference was made in the last part of the national court 's question ( 2 ) in no way altered the foregoing considerations .
22 Reference was made in the course of the argument to a number of Commonwealth and American decisions , but I have not found in them any reasoning persuasive of a view contrary to that which I have formed in the light of the English and Scottish authorities .
23 On the other hand , repeated reference was made in the debate " to the valuable contribution that assistance for family planning could make to the health of women " .
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