Example sentences of "waiting for [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Actual guides were waiting for them on the Scots side , from the Graham tower , producing a grim smile from Douglas , for one of his principal headaches as Keeper of Liddesdale was apt to be the inroads and cross-border raiding of these same Grahams , Kirkandrews prominent .
2 Hurley was waiting for them on the tarmac near the terminal in his big blue BMW 520i .
3 The emigrants ' discomfort was aggravated by tantalising radio reports of the steaming soup tureens , hot water and clean clothes waiting for them at the reception centre in Hof , West Germany .
4 There would be no tall good-looking man waiting for them at the Secret Cove and , once there , she found the Place was , indeed , deserted .
5 The gardener was waiting for them at the front door .
6 Various local councillors and moral guardians were waiting for them at the venue , having read local press reports that the Fabs ' travelling show included a rather racy striptease revue .
7 They found their parents waiting for them at the top of a wide terrace of marble steps , and the governor 's aide-de-camp conducted them to the reception through a series of lofty , marble-floored chambers forty feet high .
8 Oliver and Tim were waiting for them at the gangway .
9 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
10 They hardly expected to see the BMW waiting for them at the dockside , but after they had parked the car and got the ticket , they began to look at their watches , and each other .
11 To Sophie 's and Helen 's surprise , Ian Woodall , looking anxious and drawn , was waiting for them at the hospital .
12 He was sitting waiting for them with a bone in his mouth .
13 Duncan trotted back with him and , sure enough , Mother dinosaur was waiting for them with a big smile on her face .
14 I caught up with them about 3.30pm in Jackson Bridge where they were finishing a hymn , and possibly a silent prayer , before they marched back up the steep winding hill to Hepworth where a free tea was waiting for them in the school .
15 They found Carrington and Grant waiting for them in the saloon .
16 There were police waiting for them in the van and they got another good beating .
17 They went downstairs and the old lady was waiting for them in the hall .
18 They were waiting for them inside the restaurant , which turned out to be a smallish place that somehow managed to achieve an atmosphere of casualness and intimacy at the same time .
19 In one week I listened to the English boy singing the praises of my dark colouring and frizzy hair , felt him kiss me on the cheek with obvious pleasure whenever I cooked a meal and when I came in from work , or when we sat watching television together , and found him waiting for me at the end of the road when I was late back for some reason .
20 I think about Mr Jackson and I get a sort of uncomfortable feeling when I remember he was waiting for me at the house and I did n't come back .
21 ‘ It did n't really sink in what I had done until I returned to school on the Monday morning and saw all the television cameras waiting for me at the gates , ’ says Dozzell .
22 When I got back to the attic , Jean-Claude was waiting for me at the top of the stairs .
23 ‘ They 're waiting for me at the station . ’
24 The ticket 's waiting for me at the desk .
25 When I went into town to order my new clothes , Mr Pumblechook was waiting for me at the door of his shop .
26 This time he was waiting for me at the table .
27 Jekyll 's servant had received by the same post a letter similar to mine , and he was waiting for me with the locksmith .
28 Last time Roger was outside waiting for me for an hour and a half
29 The hill that was waiting for me across the next two miles of nothingness was typical of those I had climbed that day — no more than a hundred feet high , with a gradual slope .
30 I 'd get a phone call from his secretary and then a limousine would be waiting for me down the lane .
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