Example sentences of "compared [prep] [art] [adj] per " in BNC.

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1 The £78 million fund , managed by Murray Johnstone , achieved a 10.7 per cent return on net assets , compared with a 22.2 per cent rise in the Index over the same six-month period .
2 The return on assets works out at 1.8 per cent compared with a 3.75 per cent target set by the Government .
3 Gross national product ( GNP ) had risen by 5.3 per cent , compared with a 2.4 per cent rise in 1991 .
4 According to figures released by Miti in January 1990 , Japan 's industrial output increased by 5.9 per cent during 1989 , compared with a 9.5 per cent rise in 1988 .
5 The first volume of the annual GATT trade review , entitled International Trade 1988/89 and published on Sept. 15 , 1989 , reported an 8.5 per cent growth in the volume of global merchandise trade in 1988 , the most rapid increase since 1984 ( and compared with a 5.5 per cent increase in 1987 ) .
6 The UK has a 7 per cent of this market compared with a 5.5 per cent share of trade in goods .
7 At the same time the price of leaded petrol was increased by 55 per cent , compared with a 25 per cent rise for unleaded , and electricity prices went up by 15 per cent .
8 The vice-presidency was won by Senator Tommy Remengesau who polled 51.7 per cent compared with the 48.3 per cent of the vote won by Sandra Pierantozzi .
9 He pointed out that if the regional companies signed new contracts with National Power and PowerGen , as he had permitted , 41 per cent of their requirements would be met by coal-fired stations , compared compared with the 17 per cent generated by independent gas-fired producers .
10 Its economists estimate that Scotland 's gross domestic product will rise in 1993 by 3.5 per cent , compared with the 1 per cent predicted for the UK as a whole in the Government 's economic statement last autumn .
11 The government aimed at reducing the budget deficit to 6.2 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) in 1992 , compared with the 6.9 per cent originally forecast in 1991 .
12 However , compared with the 70 per cent of women referred from other sources ( 39 ) who were sectioned , the number of female GP referrals sectioned was significantly lower ( p=0.011 ) .
13 Clinton polled 43 per cent of the popular vote and won 370 electoral college votes , compared with the 38 per cent and 168 electoral college votes won by Bush .
14 The use of low-sulphur coal reduces sulphur output by only about 50 per cent , compared with the 90 per cent removal that can be achieved with FGD .
15 By 1931–32 married women were experiencing 140 per cent more sickness than the insurance commissioners had anticipated , compared with the 25 per cent more sickness experienced by unmarried women and the less-than-expected sickness rates of men .
16 The Chairman of British Airways , for example , had received a pay increase of 117 per cent compared with the 6 per cent awarded to the company 's lowest paid workers .
17 Nevertheless InterCity cheerfully reveals that the VIP/first-class/full-dining trains contribute by far the largest share of the special-trains earnings — 50 per cent — compared with the 23 per cent from private charters , 18 per cent by standardclass charters , and 5 per cent by the steam market .
18 THE council tax will bring administrative savings of 16 per cent , compared with the 60 per cent predicted by the Scottish Office , according to the controller of audit , John Broadfoot .
19 It has exploited a slack time — the hiatus between the end of tunnelling work on the Channel link and the start of London 's Jubilee Line Underground extension — to demand that contractors work to tighter margins : between 3 and 7 per cent , compared with the 15 per cent allowed by North West Water , for example , on its contracts .
20 He achieved a double figure percentage of the vote only in Mississippi , and scored a derisory 9 per cent in his home state , compared with the 39 per cent which he had achieved there in the November 1991 gubernatorial contest .
21 The plan predicted an average annual growth in gross domestic product ( GDP ) of 8.2 per cent , compared with the 10.5 per cent achieved under the sixth five-year plan .
22 By 1974 , on the eve of local government reorganization , rural district councils provided 20 per cent of the rural housing stock , compared with the 31 per cent supplied by local authorities elsewhere .
23 Violence , dishonesty , fire raising , indecency and drugs offences have risen 17.2 per cent since 1990 , compared with an 11 per cent Scottish average , said HM Chief Inspector Colin Sampson .
24 In the same period , burglary in dwellings was up by 65 per cent. , compared to a 15 per cent .
25 Between 1959 and 1977 , the number of female offenders per 100,000 of the population aged 14 to under 17 increased by 379 per cent ( compared to a 148 per cent increase for males of the same age group ) .
26 The statistics , based on the final season before the Premier League split , show an average turnstile increase of 17 per cent and reveal ticket prices rocketed four fold since 197879 compared to a 2.6 per cent rise in the general retail price index .
27 The number of under 10 year olds killed or seriously injured each year has fallen by 37 per cent from 1976–86 in Britain , compared to a 7.5 per cent reduction for all age groups .
28 A Washington survey , for example , showed that 38 per cent of those asked revealed that they had been a victim of a serious crime within the last year , compared to the 10 per cent revealed by police statistics .
29 On the question of voting rights , Hashimoto described as " regrettable " the fact that Germany , France , the United Kingdom and Japan together controlled only 8 per cent of the shareholder vote , compared to the 34.6 per cent controlled by the United States and Canada together .
30 The panel had also been over-optimistic on employment which fell by 3 per cent compared to the 2 per cent forecast .
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