Example sentences of "ran [adv prt] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The road ran on into the desert alone , no longer accompanied by the railway line or the telegraph poles .
2 Discarding the culotte-shorts , she ran down into the water clad in her olive-green one-piece .
3 The East Gate had been built thousands of years before at a place where a long ridge ran down into the valley causing it to narrow to a hundred yards or less .
4 Yet when he saw her the next day and attempted to speak to her she told him to leave her alone and ran off into the prop-room .
5 In terror , she lifted her skirts and ran off into the village , proclaiming loudly that ‘ the diel ’ was in Alloway kirk .
6 No , ran down , you know , ran off into the ocean , ran into the rivers and off into the ocean , that way .
7 Little Krishna ran off into the jungle .
8 A mile down the road , he asked me to stop , jumped out and ran off into the darkness , leaving his knife behind .
9 ‘ He was kind to look after me after you and Maria Luisa ran off into the sunset but … but the old magic was n't there . ’
10 And he ran off into the trees .
11 She invited him to cover it up with a paper bag but he snapped the band round the back of his head and ran off into the street , an elephant ramping above the collar of his jersey , his new trunk bobbing .
12 She had turned away from the food-processing factories and chemical plants spewing bilious yellow smoke to gaze towards the east , to the mouth of the Estuary where the river ran out into the North Sea .
13 I ran out into the corridor .
14 As Miranda ran out into the square , Tom Cat opened one eye .
15 The three adults seemed to be catapulted from their seats as they ran out into the back yard .
16 The colonel ran out into the road , blocked the animal 's path and guided it into his own yard , where his children calmed it . ’
17 Things had gone seriously wrong for Derek Young when his younger brother ran out into the road , was hit by a car , and suffered severe brain damage from which he never recovered , spending the rest of his life as a vegetable in a long-stay hospital .
18 A priest ran out into the road and knelt beside a body which had shined the street red .
19 She ran out into the road and screamed .
20 He ran out into the companionway .
21 They waited for the space of one Hail Mary , then ran out into the yard to call for Victorine .
22 I took a sword and ran out into the sun .
23 We ran out into the street and there were people running all about .
24 And I 'll tell you something more : it would have been hidden up , as many another 's been , an' she would have been dumped somewhere , or found in the canal , but one of the lasses that found her had a screaming fit and ran out into the street , went barmy , they said , yelling , ‘ She 's hung herself !
25 A woman who had been up getting herself a glass of water heard the commotion and ran out into the street .
26 ‘ I wo n't be ten minutes , ’ replied Oliver eagerly , and he ran out into the street .
27 ‘ I ran out into the street screaming for help .
28 The Frenchman slapped Killion hard on both cheeks and ran out into the street .
29 He shot a larger doe on the run as the little herd began dashing for cover , and the Moi bearers ran out into the plain to hoist the two dead animals on their shoulder poles .
30 She picked up Jacqueline and ran out into the garden .
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