Example sentences of "continued [verb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Commentators noted that Hekmatyar continued to enjoy the support of the Pakistan fundamentalist religious party , Jammat-i-Islami .
2 For a few moments more Theodora continued to enjoy the spectacle of gulls and swallows swooping and idling on the warm air .
3 Nothing came of this particular project , not at least for many years , and Clare continued to enjoy the orchises of Royce Wood undisturbed .
4 But apart from hunting , he seems to have left the business of government to his earls , although he continued to enjoy the society of churchmen , especially of foreign churchmen , gave his heart to the building of Westminster Abbey , engaged in the royal works of mercy , stood meekly through divine office and mass , and — a special note of conscientiousness — ‘ at these times , unless he was addressed , he rarely spoke to anyone ’ .
5 Eliot continued to see the danger of London reduced to a waste land where ( with a momentary glance at Gerontion 's coughing goat ) debris lies
6 the was posted to France and Belgium as part of the British Expedition Force , in the first few months of the outbreak of the war in 1939 , and he realised then that the British Army was not nearly professional enough , compared with the German Army , and he noticed that many of the British Commanding Officers continued to treat the waging of war as some kind of game .
7 Nor is there any evidence that Saebbi , king of the eastern Saxons , continued to acknowledge the overlordship of the Mercian ruler .
8 Muddiman continued to report the doings of both Monck and the Rumpers until they quarrelled , whereupon he used his papers to support the former .
9 Throughout the 1950s newspapers continued to report the complaints of West Bank traders at the economic stagnation which resulted .
10 Similarly , social policy continued to emphasise the importance of motherhood and the family , even though women had begun to enter production industry in large numbers during the war , and despite a post-war increase in the numbers of married women doing paid work .
11 According to foreign news reports the split was essentially over whether the south should secede ; the dissident group favoured an independent black state , while Garang and his loyalists continued to support the goal of a united , secular Sudan .
12 Before the decision on its abolition , the ILEA had already virtually abandoned the recommendations of The Fish Report , although some of the topic papers continued to support the idea of integration in general , unspecified ways .
13 Christianity however , continued to uphold the doctrine of the one ‘ god ’ , creator of the universe .
14 The Committee continued to monitor the development of CPD and sought more resources to enable the regions to offer a service to members .
15 The government continued to implement the policy of radical economic reform initiated in 1987 .
16 However , I continued to work the whole of this one section quite thoroughly in order to dismiss it or not ( depending on what was found ) .
17 While revolutionaries may condemn such temporizing , this was an orientation which continued to inform the approach of most peace activists , including socialist ones , down to the present day .
18 Despite the fact that results were not due until 1988 at the earliest , Länder and federal agencies continued to encourage the adoption of traffic restraint strategies .
19 In essence , Protestantism was a religion of the literate , and although educational opportunities continued to expand during the course of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries , illiteracy , which was commonplace throughout the country and particularly evident in rural areas and among women , continued to exclude the majority of the laity from a full understanding of their new faith .
20 With the continuing uncertainty over Newlove 's health and teaching capacity , the LEA withdrew its financial support for Chapter III courses but continued to meet the costs of the existing Tutorial Classes .
21 However his bitter opponent Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , leader of the Saudi-backed Sunni hardline Hezb-i-Islami faction , despite signing a peace agreement with Masud in May [ see p. 38915 ] , continued to demand the removal of Dostam 's forces from Kabul .
22 The Muslim nationalist parties continued to demand the abolition of the 1920 frontiers , to agitate against French rule and against the pre-independence governments , while the Maronites looked to French civilisation for their inspiration .
23 Britain 's population was ageing ; consumer expectations were rising ; advances in medical technology continued to outstrip the capacity of the service to fund new developments .
24 It continued to celebrate the glories of the Attlee years .
25 Oldman continued to tackle the difficulties of postwar reconstruction .
26 The master 's journal continued to reflect the state of the world outside the workhouse gates .
27 Initially Narong continued to receive the support of the five coalition members , but by April 3 reports from Bangkok claimed that the military had withdrawn their support .
28 In so far as religious thinking was permeated by the spirit of Humanism , religious music also submitted to become the vehicle of the word while pure polyphony of the utmost technical refinement continued to serve the religion of pure unreasoning faith , ‘ the magic of sound matching the magic of faith ’ .
29 Barbara dragged at the other arm , and they staggered to the office door as the Darkfall lightning continued to destroy the interior of the office .
30 Urban developers working on the western edge of San Salvador defied a court ban and continued to bulldoze the capital of a pre-Columbian civilisation Cuscatlan , ancient capital of the Pipil Indians to make way for a housing project .
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