Example sentences of "seem [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But when it actually occurs , whether her reaction is one of numbness and shock , or of anguish more openly expressed through episodes of weeping and talking freely about her feelings , you will need to brace yourself to catch her as she falls into what will seem to her to be the bottomless pit of her sorrow .
2 She wrote an article about evangelical Christianity , in which she complained bitterly about a particular writer , a Doctor Cumming , who she said was not merely intellectually dishonest in attempting , by slipper means , to reconcile traditional Christian belief with certain new kinds of discovery in archaeology and so on , but he was also lacking in charity and the way which he hammered everybody who did n't subscribe to his particular form of religious believe did n't seem to her to be anything to do with the true spirit of Christianity , so she was discontented with that form of Victorian religion .
3 That does seem to me to be important . ’
4 Having eight men from outside the continent in a race did not seem to me to be good business .
5 ‘ Mrs Taylor does not seem to me to be very like Mrs Woolf or Miss Compton-Burnett or Miss Bowen , ’ I had written , for some reviewers thought her too heavily indebted to them .
6 The fact that she had been the ship that had sunk the Rawalpindi and killed my father did not seem to me to be a valid reason for omitting her from the series , for apart from the utter impersonality of a modern sea battle , she was by far the most successful of all the major German surface ships as well as being the happiest .
7 ‘ There does n't seem to me to be anything wrong with the school she 's in now . ’
8 The intention to make a graphic verisimilitude of appearance has no virtue in itself , nor does it seem to me to be the most important reason for spending long hours working directly from the subject .
9 But it did , just my , my quick sieve every time we got these there always appeared to be a slot where it did n't seem to me to be worth being open and and operating
10 One of the beefs I have about accommodation for elderly people is the fact that by , that the purpose built , very excellent , bungalows and flats for elderly citizens are restricted to one bedroom which , to which but is by government decree to keep the cost down , but it does seem to me to be very heartless because elderly people 's children are unable to come and stay with them except to the great deal of discomfort and perhaps as society grows a little more considerate for the fact that the percentage of elderly people will get even greater as the years go on , then they should make allowance and provide them for the facilities to enable them to be visited by their children and grandchildren .
11 So that 's rather depressing actually , that a lot of students will go into RADAR and various other sorts of defence things which do n't seem to me to be increasing the sum of human happiness .
12 There does not seem to me to be anything in the policy of the new Act which suggests that in this provision Parliament was intending to give those words a different meaning from those which they had been held to bear under the Act of 1914 .
13 ( 2 ) Since the cases before the court are concerned with the taking up of fishing activities by nationals of a member state and the pursuit of those activities in another member state using a vessel registered in that state , article 59 of the E.E.C Treaty on freedom to provide services , which was raised by the Spanish Government , does not seem to me to be applicable .
14 The suggested analogies relied on with ecclesiastical courts and military courts which apply wholly distinct areas of law do not seem to me to be helpful or valid .
15 However , what does seem to me to be both dangerous and impermissible is the judicial superimposition , under the guise of statutory construction , of a principle , supposedly based on some parliamentary intention nowhere expressed , that genuine transactions carried out in conformity with unequivocal statutory provisions are to be annulled or rendered ineffective because undertaken with either the sole or the predominant motive of obtaining the fiscal benefits which those provisions confer .
16 And some of the things you do seem to me to be inefficient , and consequently rather a waste of energy .
17 Again , I do n't know if this has any bearing on the murder of Paul Gray , but it does seem to me to be a part of the general atmosphere of corruption and decay . ’
18 through great swathes of the public sector does not seem to me to be half-baked .
19 Well the lowest figure , erm we 've already got a level of commitment , we have to have three thousand de-allocations if that was the case , that does not seem to me to be correct .
20 That would seem to me to be contrary to government guidance and the wording needs tidying up to reflect that if that is not what is actually meant by the revision and by the wording of the policy .
21 That does n't seem to me to be a very satisfactory way of detecting that these systems were n't working and with such complex systems as we 've got such as the system , it would take one person quite a number of minutes , if not hours , to check all the lights so I very much recommend this system and I should I suppose declare an interest when you start to talk about bulbs
22 It seems to me that the new settlement if my analysis is correct can only be in one of those two areas , which does n't seem to me to be a very sensible way of proceeding .
23 Erm while I 'm having a look at this although it would n't seem to me to be taking too long to look at this Trevor , what you see on the table over there
24 Wishing My Lords to understand what exactly is the law which we now seek to amend , there does n't seem to me to be all that er elaborate a precaution .
25 Well that will seem to me to be a bit more but obviously it 's up to you but it may not quite work out as neatly as erm but you may well like to think about the role of women as perceived , the way they treat men and relationships .
26 he did n't , he did n't seem to me to be er a mus
27 Well , there 's not much , there does n't seem to me to be much point in in having pink forms to go into pink files if there are pink forms that do n't go into pink files .
28 So for all those reasons sir there does seem to me to be erm the case for a policy which would allow this exception to erm attract to North Yorkshire inward investment of this strategically important kind .
29 Now that kind of language which is what this chap is is using here would seem to me to be setting the the erm frame in a way which really would protect erm a locality from er this policy being a stalking-horse for something that is ordinary .
30 In the chemistry I did you seem to me to be terribly empirical , you had an inorganic substance and you had to learn absolute by heart what it did if you put it in water and you heated it and you did this that and the other .
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