Example sentences of "work [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All I want to do now is concentrate on football and work for the success of a great little club . ’
2 We work for the King of Ruritania . ’
3 BARBARA and NEIL TAYLOR were among the founders of the Shared Earth Trust and now work for the Trust as its project co- ordinators at the Denmark Farm Conservation Centre .
4 The ultimate situation would be that such as Rank Xerox are now operating on a small-scale experimental basis whereby some senior staff work for the company from home on a free-lance sub-contractor basis .
5 ‘ Oh yes , ' ’ I said , ‘ ‘ but now they all work for the Ministry of the Interior .
6 I think that the first thing that one would have to say is that we work for the Ministry of Defence , and not the Ministry of War and therefore we are about defence , we 're about the maintenance of peace , erm this you know maintaining of justice etc etc .
7 Work for the degree of MPhil and PhD may be undertaken in the Unit as well as in the main department .
8 Thus , as I say , it is hardly surprising that , among those who wish to forge alliances with environmentalists , those who , like myself , work for the goal of animal liberation are likely to find the going rougher than those who are pro-welfare or anti-cruelty .
9 Work for the regeneration of our cities will continue .
10 The Christian beliefs work for the good of man .
11 This is a complex table , because it contains four variables ; work through the effect of each explanatory variable systematically , looking at the relevant marginal relationships as well .
12 Work towards the implementation of the policy of collaborative architectural research aimed at strengthening designer/user links and encouraging the profession to work from a well-researched base continued despite restricted resources .
13 We shall join them in trying to root out open and covert subsidies on the Continent which work against the principle of the single market and which put British firms at a disadvantage . ’
14 Elean : I work with the Organisation of Women for Progress in Jamaica .
15 Work with the cable behind you and place it over one shoulder to keep it well away from the blades .
16 Custom manufacturing , where the product is at an earlier stage of development and they work with the client in scale-up and production .
17 We will establish a new agency to carry out all social security war pensions work with the aim of providing a better , more efficient service to war pensioners and war widows .
18 For the most part , these contract workers work under the supervision of permanent staff , performing more labour-intensive tasks .
19 Its administration is carried out by a staff of several hundred who work under the direction of the general council .
20 Past the farm where the short-term prisoners work under the guard of rifles and dogs , past the fields where beet and potato sprout from the long-used soil .
21 That 's about it for July — if the weather is lovely do n't give up the knitting — carry the machine out in the garden and work under the shade of a tree .
22 ROSALIND BRUNT , Tessa Perkins and Karen Jones , who all work in the Centre for Popular Culture at Sheffield City Polytechnic , talk about women both sides of the screen .
23 Work in the south of this complex has revealed a Palaeozoic turbidite sequence intruded by numerous elongated late-Triassic granites , unusually aluminous and in places topaz-bearing .
24 My wife is English and four of my children live and work in the south of England and consider themselves to be English .
25 We recognise that those who live and work in the vicinity of our plants have the right to know about our activities and we are doing our very best to provide them with the information they require .
26 No one stopped to ask the boy what he wanted , which was to study science and work in the field of research .
27 Work in the field of homoeopathic research may be divided into three broad categories :
28 Most of its 3,000 members are Anglicans and many of them work in the field of church music .
29 The project consists of three linked studies : in-depth interviews with 100 members of the general population ; exploratory interviews with 30 solicitors who work in the field of probate ; examination of a sample of 1,000 wills , drawn from a 40 year period .
30 It illustrates something that those of us who work in the field of evolutionary biology sort of grow to live with , which is that anything which casts doubt on Darwin will get a good blow up in the press , on television , and so on .
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