Example sentences of "factors [Wh det] [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Amalgamating their insights produces the following factors which indicate the problematic nature of teams in schools :
2 1988 ) ; nevertheless , something must be said briefly about the factors which complicate the curriculum-employment nexus .
3 While the psychological and biological theories focus their explanations on the person 's depressive predisposition , important recent work has been conducted on prevailing environmental factors which bring the psychological factors into play and cause the depression to become manifest .
4 Michael Haines has produced a nontechnical guide to the natural , economic and social factors which shape the modern industry .
5 The other subject groups , however , represent a largely demand-led pattern of provision , following the Robbins principle , although there are manifold factors which sully the pure concept of demand in practice .
6 One of the final products of the research should be an identification of factors which assist , and factors which hinder the effective implementation of general management .
7 Cost and delay are just two of the factors which persuade the great majority of those in dispute to effect a compromise and settle their differences without trial .
8 In trying to account for overall trends it is helpful to start with the sequences of factors which control the immediate risks of fertility for the individual and without which births can not occur : natural fecundity ( the physiological capacity to conceive and bear children ) , exposure to intercourse within and outside marriage , and evasion of the consequences of intercourse through contraception and abortion .
9 Natural resources should be included as well as the factors which constitute the Gross National Product .
10 But in addition there are issues which form the local background to any given dispute , and other factors which constitute the broader societal context of conflict .
11 Finally there are some deeper structural factors which constitute the hidden or unconscious premises of these types of racist discourse .
12 The choice of financing method will clearly be constrained by availability of different forms of finance , but there are other factors which have a greater influence on companies ' decisions .
13 Other demographic factors which have a considerable influence on household formation are less easy to predict — one is marriage : for example , the 1978-based official population projections expected two-thirds more married men in the 20–24 age band than were actually found in 1985 ( Population Projections 1978–2018. 1980 ; Sparks , 1986 , p. 24 ) .
14 The question then arises as to whether there should be central development of such courses and there are two factors which have an important bearing on this decision .
15 We therefore have to consider the kinetics of weathering by examining those factors which affect the late of chemical reactions .
16 The latest statistics , which appear in SCOTVEC 's Annual Report , showed that the sustained growth in National Certificate continued in 1989/90 , despite the demographic factors which affect the potential number of candidates .
17 The reason why Lieberson is doubtful about the control variable approach is the selectivity processes are probably operating within the control variables themselves and involve factors which affect the dependent variable but in unmeasured ways .
18 Table 3.1 lists the four factors which determine the financial status of elderly people — employment , state benefits , private savings , and family transfers — and it can be seen that their relative shares have changed over time , with the decline in employment income roughly matching the rise in state benefits .
19 The analysis of the search space carried out in this chapter should help to focus attention on the discriminating requirement of top-down information in terms of the number and similarity of hypotheses competing over a stretch of the utterance , and of the distance between pruning points ( i.e. the grammar ‘ chunks ’ ) , the two factors which determine the potential combinatorial explosion of hypotheses .
20 The factors which determine the clinical outcome of cow 's milk allergy are not fully understood .
21 Of course this all depends on your opinions or your taste , factors which play a large part in religious observance .
22 A number of obstacles to clean technology innovation are identified — with special emphasis on organisational factors which encourage a defensive reaction to environmental concern .
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