Example sentences of "thinking [prep] [verb] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 I know I should be thinking about taking her to a mother-and-toddler group so she can meet people and make friends , but something keeps putting me off .
2 Erm , yeah , sh I know you 'll be thinking about sending her to prison today but if you could think of anything else that erm , I do n't know , a suspended sentence or something like that , then obviously she 'd , she 'd be really grateful for that , would n't you , Mrs , yeah erm , er , Mrs White is there anything else you want me to say ?
3 ‘ We 're thinking of taking it to the European Court of Human Rights ’ , she says .
4 ‘ Well , exactly — ’ she hrumphed some more — ‘ I said she was still going to be in Maidstone for a few days though we were thinking of moving her to a private hospital .
5 ‘ I was n't thinking of bringing him to justice .
6 ‘ I was thinking of putting her to a very nice stallion I 've seen in the district , ’ she said .
7 I was thinking of limiting it to 12 .
8 Who were you thinking of giving it to ?
9 As a matter of fact , I 'm thinking of offering her to The Lancet .
10 For some time I have been thinking of increasing it to £50pa but have n't got to the bank with this weather .
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