Example sentences of "provision [modal v] [be] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Further , by wills and settlements , provision may be made for those who may come into existence at a future time , subject to the rule against perpetuities , which forbids any disposition which is not certain to take effect ( if it takes effect at all ) within lives in being and twenty-one years afterwards ; but a life in being includes a person en ventre sa mere at the time when the will or settlement takes effect .
2 We now consider how provision may be made for manipulating subdivisions of a word .
3 Moreover , where more than one of such general characteristics are treated as identifying criteria , provision may be made for their possible conflict by their arrangement in an order of superiority , as by the common subordination of custom or precedent to statute , the latter being a ‘ superior source ’ of law …
4 If breaking bulk involves the transfer of potentially harmful materials to other containers provision should be made for a sink , water supply and worktop .
5 More provision should be made for the under-fives ; teachers ' aides should be recruited and trained ; problem areas should get extra teachers ; home-school relations should be improved , and a triangular partnership of home-school-child established .
6 Whenever possible provision should be made for relocating or retraining dismissed staff , not only because of the personal benefits to those involved , but also because of the effects on the remaining staff 's morale .
7 Provision should be made for medical treatment to be included in the cover .
8 Special provision should be made for the 2,000 or so full-time adult education staff , including LEA organizers , along the lines suggested in the first Haycocks Report .
9 Provision should be made for ensuring that the competences specified can take into account changes which may occur in technology or market requirements .
10 Politicians fueled rather than played down the belief that Britain should become , in the words of one politician , " a land fit for heroes " once " the war to end all wars " was won — in other words , that provision should be made for those who had fought for King and Country .
11 Provision should be made for the chairing of each meeting and for the taking of votes .
12 Accordingly , provision should be made for the expenses of cleaning and maintaining the sanitary facilities .
13 ( iv ) Charging Clause — Specific provision should be made for this in the court order as the trustees ( particularly if there are infants ) can not give themselves power to charge in the declaration of trust without authority .
14 However , he gave broad support to the proposal that provision should be made for secure accommodation for persistent juvenile offenders .
15 Provision must be made for emergencies and a degree of flexibility maintained to allow for changing circumstances , such as the introduction of a new subject or course .
16 The messenger descends quickly enough when its propellant vanes collapse , so provision must be made for a soft landing of any weighty camera unit .
17 Merciful provision must be made for those who failed to do so , but the failures must never be better off than the successes .
18 Adequate provision must be made for the various kinds of aquatic plants , for some prefer the shallows around the pool while others require much deeper water .
19 In short , all existing and future minerals planning permissions must be brought up to the environmental standards expected today , and provision must be made for a regular upgrading of standards in the future .
20 Although provision must be made for new simple subjects , new complex subjects are much more likely to occur .
21 Provision must be made for linking related subjects .
22 Under such leases , the builder/developer would be responsible for erecting a building or a number of buildings upon a particular site , and detailed provision might be made for the manner of their construction and continuing maintenance , even down to the type of subsequent letting of the buildings which was to be permitted .
23 She was fully determined that the Merchiston fortune must end with Benedict — that much she owed to Isabel 's memory — but at least some provision might be found for Theda .
24 No provision could be made for the selection of books to be kept up to date and they are not much used now , but there is an excellent service of books from the Argyll and Bute District library for the residents and patients in the hospital .
25 They did ask the King to call a free Parliament , in which provision could be made for a " due liberty of conscience " for all Protestants , although they linked this with the demand that the Church of England should " be secured according to the Act of Uniformity " , suggesting that " due liberty of conscience " was to be very limited indeed .
26 I am not convinced , despite contentions by some , that even with increased resourcing this positive provision could be recreated for many children in their home and community settings .
27 On an arable farm with only a few cattle kept to make manure , little provision would be made for these animals , but there would be one or more barns , stables and shelters for carts .
28 Provision would be made for over sixteen million phantom children in the families containing less than three children , while those in excess of that number , over 1¼ million in all in families containing more than three children would still remain unprovided for . ’
29 Provision would be made for the possible transfer of other functions at a later date , ( e.g. The assessments of means , decisions on the grant of criminal legal aid , and at least some of the determinations of bills now carried out in the courts ) .
30 Under its terms provision would be made for the repatriation of refugees , and some control of local and regional affairs would be conferred on the Tuaregs .
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