Example sentences of "lack of [noun sg] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Graham has already complained in his programme notes about the lack of support at Highbury — yesterday the fans hit back .
2 Children of working-class parents are more prone to accidents than other children for a variety of reasons : inadequate housing conditions ; tendency to play in the street because of lack of space at home ; less parental supervision ; and so on .
3 Surely it can not be right for a foreign company , faced with recession and a lack of profitability at home , in Sweden , to cut its overseas operations and , in doing so , close down the United Kingdom 's strategic bus manufacturing plant .
4 Black kids who , in retrospect , would blame their lack of success at school on their over-indulgence in sport would point fingers of accusation at the people who encouraged them and helped sustain an interest which was later to prove nullifying in its effects .
5 But , again , I simplify : the process is two-way and black kids contribute to their own general lack of success at school by manifesting little desire to learn conventional subjects .
6 In 1988 , Mr Ken Hutchinson , one of the churchwardens , said that this year they had put forward some of the younger men of the parish in order to keep interest in the tradition alive , though there was no lack of interest at present and the schoolroom was certainly packed full .
7 General feedback to the town hall from shoppers had been good , he said , with most people welcoming the lack of traffic at peak times , particularly on High Row .
8 One other fact of the period between June and October in 1981 makes the apparent lack of urgency at CSM difficult to understand .
9 The messages which start differently through each of the functions , and become even more disparate when relayed ( because of the lack of commitment at board level ) , go through an endless chain of levels .
10 ‘ It 's lack of discipline at school and in the home .
11 As lack of discipline at home had been found to be important to later sociopathy , she recommended improved discipline at school for such at-risk youngsters : a more vigorous role in preventing truancy , supervision for completion of assignments , controlled use of leisure time and so on .
12 Certainly it is hard to see how it is possible to regard , for example , check-out assistants as middle class given their low wages , working conditions , and lack of autonomy at work .
13 Watching the engine being put away , I was conscious of a lack of atmosphere at Aberystwyth terminus .
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