Example sentences of "lack of [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
2 Lack of communication underlies the very different problems facing developed and developing countries alike .
3 Although UN-mediated negotiations were resumed in April 1989 in Geneva [ see p. 36602 ] , the lack of progress led the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , to express on Aug. 20 ( the first anniversary of the ceasefire ) his " deep regret " that " the withdrawal of forces to internationally recognized boundaries [ had ] yet to take place " .
4 The lack of shell leaves the larvae unprotected .
5 Her lack of caution led the trackers to sting her with rubber bullets , and since the summer , she has been much more shy .
6 Merrill tried to imagine what his partner would be like , but lack of knowledge blurred the picture .
7 Most users believe that the drug is less harmful than the tobacco it is rolled with , but this can only be supposition given the lack of knowledge surrounding the drug 's long-term effects .
8 It would be churlish to suggest that either RWC or the Italian Federation fell down in some areas because of a lack of will to make the event succeed .
9 But lack of funding means the service may not be able to operate for much longer .
10 In this context the question of jobs being created by West Belfast people themselves inevitably arose , but there was a general lack of hope given the effect of political vetting on community economic initiatives .
11 As with William Temple , who looked equally natural in gaiters and apron , the bubbling humour and lack of pomposity heightened the effect of the personality .
12 DESPITE the impressive 38–4 scoreline against London Crusaders , there was a distinct lack of style to match the occasion yesterday as Sheffield secured their return to the First Division in a game spoilt by strong wind .
13 The two hot , dry summers of 1989 and 1990 meant that there was a lack of water to dilute the input of contaminating waste .
14 Unemployment may mean that people have more leisure time available but lack of money restricts the kind of activities they are able to participate in during their spare time .
15 The lack of oxygen halts the burning process halfway … and creates charcoal .
16 This lack of oxygen decreases the activity of micro-organisms which break down detergents .
17 As the game became more popular in the 1880s lack of regulation enabled the best footballers to play clubs off against one another and bid up their own wages .
18 For the great weakness of feudal jurisdiction lay in its lack of muscle to enforce the appearance of both parties in court .
19 All too often , in my experience , lack of finance frustrates the good intentions of even the most supportive of local authorities .
20 Yep , the lack of wind encouraged the emergence of clouds of bloodsucking midges who found the sight of pale flesh irresistible ; this hastened our departure even further without , unfortunately , restocking our water supplies .
21 When Mary reintroduced Catholicism into England in the 1550s , few of her subjects undertook pilgrimages to the newly restored shrines , and lack of demand prevented the publication of any new editions of the lives of the saints .
22 The lack of agreement threatened the timetable for completing the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade talks in the GATT negotiations [ see pp. 37227-29 ] .
23 Lack of agreement meant the delay of further loans from multilateral agencies , in particular the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .
24 Lack of labour hastened the coming of the steel plough ( c.1775 ) , but this in turn reduced the number of men required on the farms .
25 The main reason they are not overcome is lack of time to discover the mistake and put it right .
26 Perhaps the lack of self-confidence led the woman to marry a man she knew to be unsupportive in case she was not asked by anyone else .
27 According to Bloomfield ( 1939 ) and Kneale and Kneale ( 1962 ) , the remaining lack of explicitness necessitated the invention of formal languages of logic and mathematics ’ ( ibid . ) .
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